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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 489

After lunch, Victoria, Maximilian, and Flora went to the company. After the car stopped inside the company, Maximilian said, "Victoria, you go up first, I'll call Canaan to come over and talk to them about it."

"Good, have a good talk with them." Victoria smiled and got out of the car, leaving Maximilian and Flora in the car.

Flora felt that there was something wrong with Maximilian's words and said nervously, "Maximilian, what are you going to talk to me about? Are you trying to abandon me?"

"Uh, how can it be abandonment? We are not related. You are occupying the bed that should have belonged to me all night."

"Well, I can sleep on the sofa. Please don't kick me out, OK? And don't try to dump me to Canaan. I want to stay with you and Victoria. I can do housework, I can cook, and I can warm the bed." Flora acted coquettishly and pretended to be pitiful, and tried her best to persuade Maximilian.

Maximilian looked at Flora speechlessly, coughed twice, and said, "Let's not talk about this. Let me ask you, why is the dragon jade on the dressing table?"

"Huh? Uh..." Flora's brain instantly became blank. She did not expect that Maximilian could find the dragon jade she put. How could she explain this? Would Maximilian misunderstand her?

Flora desperately wanted to come up with a suitable explanation. But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't come up with a suitable explanation.

"Why don't you say anything? Just tell me the truth. If you make something up, I'll let Canaan take you away later." Maximilian said indifferently.

"No, I'll tell you." Flora looked at Maximilian pitifully, hesitated, and said, "I want to use it as a decoration and match the costume style."

"What? Even if you are making up nonsense, can you just make a better one?" Maximilian directly exposed Flora's lies.

Flora’s eyes flushed immediately, and tears began to flow in her eyes, "I, if I tell the truth, you are not allowed to drive me away, and you must protect me."

"Well, say it, as long as what you say is true, I will definitely not drive you away." Maximilian had already guessed a general idea from Flora's reaction.

"I was sent by Harley. He asked me to come to you to find the secret key. But I didn't want to help him, so I wondered how to get a fake key to fool him. Anyway, they haven't seen what the key looks like. It's easy for me to cheat them."

"In fact, when you went to the mountain villa in the morning and I said I had my period, I asked Canaan to take me to the antique city to buy the dragon jade, which cost him five million dollars. I think I can use this and tell Harley that it’s the real key in two days."

Maximilian laughed and shook his head, "Look at you, it's okay to say it earlier. I'm not a tiger. Why did you hide it? It will hurt you in the end."

"What?" Flora looked at Maximilian in confusion and felt that there was another meaning in Maximilian's words, "How could it hurt me?"

"Don't say anything else. The dragon jade you bought for five million is a fake. If you give it to Harley, you will be cleaned."

Flora’s eyes rounded in an instant. She gritted her teeth fiercely, and then, like a frustrated ball, her whole body began to wilt, "How can it be fake? When we buy it, he said it was true and used for the royal family in the Ming Dynasty."


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