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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 494

After receiving the prescription, Maximilian, Flora and Canaan took their way back. Hopkins stood at the door of the shop and watched them leave. After they disappeared from his sight, Hopkins let out a sigh of relief.

“Brodie, you son of a bitch. You really messed up with me this time. Whoever sees you next time, won’t show any mercy.”

“Master, David is still unconscious. Should we send him to the hospital?”

Hopkins took a look at David and felt his pulse, “Splash some water and he will be awakened. Mr. Lee showed him mercy just now. ”

“I really don’t know where he comes from. Show your respect next time you encounter Mr. Lee in H City. No more conflicts.”

“Yes Master, I will tell everyone.”

Canaan drove back to the company. Flora held Maximilian’s arm excitedly and chatted all the way, saying how much she worshipped Maximilian.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Sit tight.” Maximilian rubbed his forehead.

“I am not being ridiculous. The way you spat that tea, was so cool. From now on, you will be my No.1 idol. I am your fan forever.”

Flora became Maximilian’s crazy little fan.

“Oops! We forgot our business! We need to buy the Dragon Jade!” Flora suddenly remembered.

Maximilian was speechless and said with a sigh, “Let’s do it tomorrow if we had time.”

“Yay! I will go with you.” Flora said happily. She felt so great for going out with Maximilian again. If they could go shopping together, she would definitely try a lot of beautiful clothes in front of Maximilian.

Maximilian took out his mobile phone and said, “Canaan, give me your bank account. I need to transfer the money to you.”

“No, master, please keep it yourself.” Canaan said shyly.

“No. We cannot mix things up. I have to attend the boxing match tonight. Remember to cover up for me and just tell them I teach you to drive. Don’t spill the beans. ”

“I won’t. Master, please be careful tonight. Those people are ferocious.”

Canaan still remembered the last boxing match, which was very scary. Those boxers were horrifying.

Even though Nuron was beaten to death by Maximilian, he was just a wild card player. God knew how fierce the real players were.

Flora twitched her mouth and stared at Canaan, “Watch your mouth. You should say some lucky words. Maximilian would trash all of them. ”

“Yes yes yes, I am sorry. Master can definitely beat all of them,” Canaan said.

Maximilian smiled briefly and closed his eyes to rest.


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