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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 505

“It seems that losing your mind is handed down. The reason why I kicked Reid is to give you a lesson, but I did not expect that you never learn from it.” Maximilian scolded him as if he was talking to the younger generation.

“Fuck! You’re so fucking shameless! I will kick your ass!” One of a strong disciple couldn’t repress his anger and rushed forward, waving his fist at Maximilian’s hand.

Maximilian smiled disdainfully, “I don’t have to use my fist to fight with you, and a finger is enough to defeat you.”

“You’re mad! I have practiced refining Kung Fu before!” The disciple, who was rushing towards Maximilian, was equipped with robust muscle and the surface of his skin was thick and rough, different from normal people’s skin.

Golden bell cocoon and thirteen cross practice were well-known refining Kung Fu. He had used herds to bath and had experienced different kinds of hardship to make his skin thicker so as to improve the defense ability.

It was said that if one practiced this kind of Kung Fu to the extreme, he would be invulnerable.

Although Maddox’s disciple was not in the invulnerable stage, the defense ability of his body was much more extraordinary than normal people. He was insensitive to all forms of pain.

“Well, cross practice is just a dishonest Kung Fu and will only hurt your body in the end.” Maximilian said calmly and pointed out his right-hand finger.

His finger crashed with the disciple’s huge fist.

However, the expected scene that the finger would be broken by the fist didn’t show up; instead, Maximilian’s finger was like a blade that poked into his fist.

“Ouch! My hand!” The disciple’s expression suddenly changed and sweat were streaming down from his forehead.

Hamid and the others were astonished by this scene. The cross practice was as fragile as a piece of paper which could be easily poked by Maximilian. How strong and powerful would his finger be?

Canaan cheered up for Maximilian excitedly, “You’re so cool, master! Have you guys seen how horrible it is when my master gets angry? Are you scared?”

Yes, they were.

However, none of them would admit because it was so humiliating.

“Well, don’t hesitate, master. Revenge is our top priority. Let’s kill this guy first!”

“Please, master! This is for our team; otherwise, if this thing is known by others, how can we carry forward Kung Fu in foreign countries?”

“Yes, it’s not about the individual honor, but the collective honor. It matters how we can further develop in the society!”

Maddox’s disciples shouted out, wishing him to fight with Maximilian ASAP.

Maddox, who was already furious, completely lost his mind when hearing his disciples’ words.

He pounded the desk and smashed it. Afterwards, he stood up with great strength and walked towards Maximilian in a slow pace.

“Young man, you make me so disappointed. I intend to talk with you nicely, but you really cross my line. Although you are good at Kung Fu, you can’t rely on it to bully others!”

“That’s funny! Who is the one that bully others? I guess everyone knows.” Maximilian looked down on Maddox’s behaviour.

Maddox squinted his eyes and looked at him with hatred.

“Well! Let’s stop waste our time and start fighting! Please!”

Maddox posed an aggressive gesture and was ready to fight, staring at Maximilian madly.

However, Maximilian just stood sluggishly and didn’t pose any gesture. He answered in a casual way, “Come on.”


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