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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 514

"Well!" Connor sighed heavily and rubbed his temples with both hands vigorously.

Camfil had already gained the upper hand, and at this critical moment, he had managed to become stronger again, which made Connor feel that Maximilian's life was in danger.

At this moment, Connor's brain was in a mess, and he didn't know what to think.

‘What should I do if Maximilian dies? If the huge power behind Maximilian want to kill me, my whole family will die, right? I want to die for Maximilian!'

Unfortunately, Connor could only think about it. After all, it was Maximilian who was in the arena at this moment. Just when Connor took out his cigarette case and wanted to smoke to calm down, his hand holding the cigarette case stopped suddenly.

Then Connor's eyes exposed a flash of light, and the hand holding the cigarette case shook suddenly. A whole box of Marlboro was crushed to pieces by Connor. Paper scraps mixed with shredded tobacco fluttered out of Connor's fingers, just like Connor's surprising mood at this moment.

"Oh my god! I'm not hallucinating, right?" The surprised Connor stretched out his left hand and fiercely pinched his thigh, and the intense pain made Connor take a breath, "Hahahaha! It seems I don't have any illusion. Mr. Maximilian is sure to win!"

At the moment when Connor's voice fell, a sudden change occurred on the screen!

Camfil, who had attacked with unparalleled strength and boosted his power, used his most powerful trick. It was an ultimate skill that Camfil didn’t use often. As long as Camfil used it, it was bound to kill someone.

Camfil was like a fierce tiger rushing forward. His left hand grabbed Maximilian's throat, and his right hand hit Maximilian's heart, while his right leg was still accumulating power.

His first two moves were the combination and the transformation of nihility and reality. It depended on how the opponent reacted to it. If the opponent could resolve these two moves, these two moves would become fictitious, and the right leg would become the ultimate move.

It was a skill that Camfil learned in his tribe when he was young. And on his way to dominate the international underground boxing tournament, Camfil only used this skill twice, and he successfully killed his powerful opponents in both times.

When Camfil was satisfied that he could kill Maximilian by using his ultimate move, Maximilian suddenly switched from defense to offense and rushed towards him swiftly.

Maximilian's sudden change of attack and defense caught Camfil off guard. And just when Camfil wanted to respond to the changes, he found his hands and wrists grabbed by Maximilian.

‘What's going on? How could my wrists be grabbed by Maximilian?'

Camfil didn't see how exactly Maximilian moves, and how Maximilian grabbed his wrists.

Camfil was a little flustered, hurriedly popped his right foot and used the last hidden skill. At the same time, Camfil pulled back his arms suddenly and tried to withdraw his hands from Maximilian's hand.

But when Camfil exerted his arm strength, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrists. And when Camfil's arms continued to force backward, a light of horror flashed in Camfil's eyes.

Camfil's body strength was incomparable high at this moment, but his bones didn’t become stronger. When Camfil jerked his arms backward, Maximilian's hands had already crushed Camfil's wrists.


With a loud sound, Camfil's arm jerked back. But he did not withdraw his hands. Instead, he tore the muscles in his wrist. In an instant, Camfil's palms and wrists were torn apart, and blood was surging out.

At the moment the blood spurted out, Maximilian had already stepped back. He not only avoided the spattered blood but also avoided Camfil’s heavy kicked from his leg.

"What?" Camfil didn't care that he didn’t defeat Maximilian, but he looked in horror as he lost his arms.


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