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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 520

The airport manager showed up in front of Maximilian with his men soon.

Connor greeted The airport manager. When he revealed his identity, The airport manager, who originally looked a little arrogant, became respectful immediately.

The airport manager could do anything he wanted in the airport, but outside the airport, he could no longer exercise his authority, especially when his family lived in H City. If he offended these people in front of him, his family might suffer.

"Mr. Davies, if you need anything, I’m at your service. You don’t have to come in person." The airport manager said with a smile.

"Some people owe Mr. Lee money, and I’m here to help collect the debts. Pull up the surveillance video and let Mr. Lee take a look."

The airport manager followed Connor’s glance and looked at Maximilian.

Maximilian looked rather young, but The airport manager didn’t dare to look down upon him at all. After all, even Connor was at his service.

"One moment, Mr. Lee. I’ll have someone pull up the video immediately."

The airport manager waved at his men. One of them turned on his laptop and started to work on it at once.

Before long, the surveillance video was playing on the screen. The airport manager took the laptop from his subordinate. With a flattering smile, he held the laptop in both hands and walked up to Maximilian.

"Here, Mr. Lee. This video shows what happened after they arrived at the airport."

Maximilian, Connor and the others looked at the laptop screen together. The video started from the point when Thompson’s cars went into the airport.

Maximilian raised his eyebrows gently. "Fast forward."

The airport manager was stunned slightly, and then signaled his subordinate to do it with his eyes.

His subordinate struck the keyboard a few times, and the surveillance video was playing faster.

"Is that OK? It’s in 4X speed now, which is an appropriate speed."

"Faster." Maximilian said flatly.

"Do what Mr. Lee says. You’ll play at whatever speed Mr. Lee tells you." The airport manager shouted at his subordinate.

The subordinate cringed and said sheepishly, "Mr. Lee, how fast do you want?"

"24X speed."

The subordinate widened his eyes instantly. His eyeballs almost fell out from his eye sockets.

"2… 24X speed? That will be too fast to watch!"

The airport manager gave his subordinate a firm kick. "Don’t you understand what Mr Lee said? Do whatever Mr. Lee tells you to do!"

"OK, OK." The subordinate dared not to say anymore. He played the surveillance video at 24X speed immediately.

As the video played faster, anything dynamic in the video would move as quickly as flash.

The airport manager glanced at the screen and felt dizzy. He found it hard to continue watching. Flora and Canaan showed the same look. The two of them couldn’t accept such high speed at all. They looked away one after the other. If they kept watching, they might throw up on the spot.

Connor managed to hold on, but looked green.

However, Maximilian appeared normal, as if he was not affected by the high speed at all.

Soon, Maximilian stretched out his hand and struck the space key. The video on the screen stopped.

That was when the maintenance vehicle left from the tail of the jet.


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