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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 543

Hamid waited all the afternoon, but still didn't find a good opportunity to pass the information out.

Although Oskar was not smart, he was single-minded. Because Cameron asked him to watch Hamid, he just watched Hamid all the time even when Hamid go to toilet.

So Hamid had no chance to send the message out. When it was time for dinner, Cameron and others became very serious, which made Hamid realize that they were about to act.

Many cars drove out of the hotel's parking lot. Looking at those cars keep driving out, Hamid wondered how to catch a good opportunities.

Oskar beside him also looked out of the window, staring at the vehicles going away. There was a light of envy in his eyes.

"If I weren't assigned to watch you bastard, I would have definitely followed them. This is a great opportunity to make contributions."

"Maybe we should follow them. Isn't that a great idea?" Hamid said casually.

Oskar's eyes lit up, with his right hand scratching his head. He was moved by Hamid's words. After thinking it over, Oskar looked at Hamid and said, “I’m going out and lock you in the room. Don’t trick me! If you dare to play tricks, don’t blame me for beating you up."

"No, no, how dare I play tricks? Don't worry, Oskar, I will stay in the room honestly." Hamid said with an innocent look.

Oskar said some cruel words, then turned around and left the room, locking Hamid in the room. When Oskar left the room, Hamid waited silently for three minutes, for fear that Oskar would come back again.

Three minutes later, seeing Oskar not around, Hamid hurriedly took out his mobile phone, found out Canaan’s number and dialed it.

"Hey, Canaan, listen to me. I have an emergency, remember everything I say, and tell Maximilian later!"

Canaan knew what he would say was definitely important, so he directly turned on the phone's recording function, "I turn on the recording. Uncle, just say it."

"Well, I don’t know where Cameron got the news that Connor is about to trade with someone tonight, and now he had rushed to Sendai Mountain to catch Connor. They intended to catch Connor to intimidate Maximilian. Please let Maximilian find a solution as soon as possible!"

Canaan was a little confused after hearing that. The transaction in Sendai Mountain tonight was very complex. Did Master Maddox's disciples lose their mind? How dare they intervene in this way?

"I see. I'll tell Master everything. Uncle, please take care."

"Of course I would be careful. I haven't lived long enough yet and don't want to die. It's just that these two days have been miserable. Please ask Maximilian to beat them down quickly so that I can be free again."

The more Hamid talked, the more disappointed he felt. He couldn't figure out why he was so blind as to seek skin with a tiger. Now the tiger skin hadn't been taken, but he was almost killed.

After a small talk, he hung up the phone and drove straight to Maximilian's home. When he got to Maximilian's house, Canaan called Maximilian and said there was an emergency. Before long, Maximilian walked downstairs with Flora.

Maximilian didn't want to take Flora with him, but Flora insisted on following him. Maximilian couldn't drive her away, so he had no choice but to let Flora be a follower.


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