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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 546

“How could Mr. Lee be personally involved in such a deal?” said Connor contemptuously.

Rodriguez shrugged, with a look of regret on his face.

“Well, since Maximilian didn’t come, we can start now. On my count of three, let’s release our hostages at the same time.”

Connor nodded, “No problem.”

“One, two, three, release him!” Rodriguez put away his gun, raised his foot and kicked Willis on the back of his waist. Willis staggered forward.

And Connor’s men let Thompson go at the same time.

Thompson was panicked and ran fast.

Willis and Thompson passed each other, and they ran back to their respective groups.

Connor remembered Maximilian’s words. When Willis came back, regardless of his son’s injury, he immediately pushed Willis into the business car behind him.

“Go! Drive fast!” Connor shouted and got on the car.

Wallace’s eyes narrowed, his head tilted and he said to Rodriguez, “Shall we stop them? It’s very easy to deal with them, then we will have hostages in our hands. It’s very easy to finish the tasks behind.”

“You’re right. That’s what I think. Let’s get ready to fight.” He laughed, took out a cigarette and put it to his mouth.

Just as Wallace was about to give an order, the voice of his combatants came out of his headset.

“Report from sentry No.1, there are many people rushing up from the back of the mountain, more than 100 people. Please order to open fire on... Ouch! I’ve been attacked!”

The man who was reporting was hit by a stone on his head, and blood flowed down in an instant, which made his vision turn bloody red.

The surrounding fighters were focused, waiting for Wallace’s instructions.

Wallace thought for a while, and then roared angrily, “Fuck! They’re lying in ambush here! Everyone, feel free to fire! Kill these bastards for me.”

At the moment, Connor and others had got on the car.

When Maximilian heard Wallace’s curse, he urged, “Drive, now! Leave as fast as possible!”

Five business cars ran away like galloping horses.

“Asshole! How dare you run away under my nose! Shoot!”

Wallace shouted and immediately pulled out his gun, shooting at the MPVs.

Five MPVs had already entered the downhill road. Although Wallace and four fighters opened fire rapidly, the bullets just hit the last car.

The last business car left with more than a dozen of bullet holes on the back and sides, but fortunately the driver was not injured. The driver clenched his teeth, endured the fear in his heart and drove away.

“Damn it! I will catch them and kill them all.”

Wallace angrily withdrew his gun, turned and walked to the firepower area in the direction of back hill.

“Report the situation!”


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