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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 548

Hamid got to the hotel in a hurry. Then he didn’t even park the car, rushed into the hotel.

He went into the room where Maximilian and others were.

Maximilian sat in the middle, Connor and his son on his left, Flora and Canaan on his right.

Seeing Hamid enter the door, Maximilian smiled and nodded, “Come on, sit down and help yourself.”

Looking at Maximilian, Hamid was in a trance. He felt like he was in a dream these days. If only he hadn’t had a conflict with Maximilian!

Hamid slapped himself and said, “Mr. Lee, I know I’m wrong. Thank you for forgiving me.”

“You don’t have to slap yourself. The past is past. Don’t mention it any more. In the future, just run the racing club with Canaan.”

Maximilian was magnanimous. There was no need to embarrass Hamid, as he was Canaan’s uncle.

“Yes, I will work hard with Canaan to run the racing club. Mr. Lee, I’ll do it well.” Hamid showed his loyalty and then sat down on the chair opposite Maximilian.

Connor raised his glass and said, “Mr. Lee, we really should thank you. Without your help, I might never see my son again.”

Willis then said, “Thank you, Mr. Lee. I will repay you for your kindness in the future.”

Maximilian smiled, “Connor, you don’t need to say these words. You are all my friends. Today we just sit down and help ourselves. There is no need to say thank you to your friends.”

Connor grinned. Maximilian’s words made him almost jump up with excitement.

He could be Maximilian’s friend, which was equivalent to having Maximilian as a supporter.

“Ok, I won’t say that. Canaan wants to set up the racing club. How about let my son come to help him? This can be seen as a way to train him.”

Connor was seeking opportunities for his son. If his son can join the project of the racing club, he can contact with Maximilian more frequently, and he may work with Maximilian in the future.

Maximilian looked at Willis. Although in his twenties, he was still childish.

“Mr. Lee, I majored in Computer Science in MIT. I can work on the software aspects in the racing club.” Willis tried to recommend himself.

“OK, your professional knowledge is the foundation, but the ability is the most important. You can follow Canaan to build the racing club.” Maximilian agreed to this, which decided the future of Willis.

But this team was improvised and inexperienced. Maximilian was worried about the future of the racing club.

‘Canaan has no practical experience. Hamid is a dissolute rich second generation, plus Willis, who is young and immature. The team of three is always unreliable.’ Maximilian mused.

“Canaan, your team has been established. Let’s talk about your plan of the racing club.”


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