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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 55

"Victoria, what did you say? You don't agree? Oh, it's decided by me. I'm in charge, your opinion does not matter!"


Franklin sneered with arrogant in his eyes.


Victoria still wanted to fight with him? daydreaming!


He Franklin, was the first grandson of the Griffith family, the future of the Griffith family.


Samuel had always valued boys over girls, and in his mind, he had already taken Franklin as his heir.


Yunsheng Pharmaceutical, in the end, would definitely be handed over to Franklin.


A contract with Graham Group was just the springboard for Franklin and let him gain experience.


This was something Samuel had thought about long ago, and that was why he was so determined.


At this moment, hearing Victoria's objection, Samuel turned back. His eyes coldly looked at Victoria as he said.


“How dare you! Are you in charge of this company, or me? You're really getting unruly, did you learn it from Maximilian?!"


In Samuel's eyes, Victoria was originally his beloved granddaughter, talented and beautiful. She could have married a local gentry in H City to make a marriage union.


However, who would have thought that four years ago, she actually got pregnant out of wedlock with Maximilian, causing the Griffith family to lose a chance to be promoted to the top-class gentry in H City!


Because of that incident, Samuel still held a grudge.


Since then, he lost his hope for Victoria.


As the saying goes, where the needle goes, the thread follows. His granddaughter married to a loser, what benefit could he get?


What was more, because of that damned Maximilian, the Griffith family was momentarily became the laughing stock in H City.


"No, Grandpa. I don't care what you think of me, I won't agree to this! I got the contract. Why do you have the right to just hand it over to Franklin, Grandpa? I object!”


Victoria clenched her small fist, gritted her teeth, and looked at Samuel very seriously.


Clap! As a result, Samuel raised his hand and threw a slap at Victoria's cheek, chiding him


"Ungrateful! You dare to talk to me with that attitude now? Who taught you that? Isn't it that Maximilian!"


Samuel was about to explode with anger.


The granddaughter he raised, how dare she talk to him like that.


Did she still have any regard for him as her grandfather?


Victoria covered her face, tears in her eyes, and looked at him very stubbornly.


She was not convinced! She was just unwilling to submit!


The company executives on the side all looked at each other, not daring to make a sound.


At this moment, Franklin saw that Victoria had been slapped by Samuel, and he was so happy that he added fuel to the fire.


"Grandpa, I think Victoria just ignores you, why don't we take her director position and put her down to the grassroots of the marketing department? So she can properly learn something and suffer for a few years? Then, she will know how good you are to her, grandpa.”


"That's right, grandpa, I think Franklin is right, she is relying on your preference over her during these past years to be so reckless! She should be sent to the grassroots and be properly honed.”


Iris followed and fanned the flames, her eyes full of mockery and smugness.


Samuel thought about it, and the cane in his hand also hit the ground heavily as he said in a cold voice.


"Just do as Franklin said. From today on, remove Victoria's position as director and demote her to the first line of marketing department!"


"Grandpa!" Victoria was so aggravated that tears came out of her eyes immediately.


These two bastards, Franklin and Iris, were simply beating her ruthlessly when she was down!


"Stop talking about it and come back to me when you've admitted your mistake!”


Samuel shouted, turning around to leave.



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