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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 566

The pretty assistant rushed to the door in haste while looking for Maximilian and Victoria. When she found them in the lounge, she felt relieved instantly.

As long as they were here, she would not be worried. In that case, she would only need to apologize to them, which was something she was good at.

She trotted to them and took a standard bow before saying anything.

“Mr. and Mrs. Lee, it’s my fault and I ask for you forgiveness.”

Her action drew a lot of attention from the passers-by. The bystanders looked at Maximilian and Victoria with their gossipy eyes.

Maximilian raised his eyebrows and sneered, “Is this supposed to be an apology? I didn’t see any sincerity in it.”

“How... what should I do to show my sincerity?” The pretty assistant asked while suppressing her anger.

“That’s up to you. I won’t forgive you until I see enough sincerity in you.” Maximilian said calmly.

Victoria didn’t say anything because this assistant indeed sounded annoying before. She believed she should realize that she was wrong.

The beautiful assistant pouted and lowered her eyes, wondering if she should bend her knees.

Judging by Maximilian’s attitude, it might be the only way to show her sincerity. But it would make her feel humiliated.

If she could not get his forgiveness, she would be punished by Casper. Her face became pale when she thought of the possible punishment.

All of a sudden, all hesitation disappeared. Gritting her teeth, she knelt before Maximilian and kowtowed.

“Mr. and Mrs. Lee, please forgive me for making your angry.”

The bystanders opened their eyes wide when they saw the beautiful assistant kneeling on the ground to apology.

“The two sitting over there seem to be the CEO of the Topyuan Group. Who offended them?”

“It’s said that her husband was no ordinary. He is the bastard of a mysterious and wealthy man. The group is an asset given by Maximilian’s father.”

“It’s different from what I heard. Maximilian is a young master from a rich family. He wants to experience the life of a normal person. That is why Victoria chose him years ago.”

Their chatting was quite loud, which made Maximilian frown. He didn’t want to be spectated.

“Take it as a lesson and I hope you remember it for your future good. Now take us to Casper.” Maximilian said coldly.

It was not until then that she felt relieved. She got back on her feet in all haste, “Please, follow me.”

Following the assistant, Maximilian and Victoria entered Casper’s room.

The man stood up slowly as he saw Maximilian and Victoria. “Welcome. I’m sorry for my assistant’s offense and I hope she has made her apology.”

“Kind of. But I’m more curious about your intention.” Maximilian said directly.


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