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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 579

Regan could clearly feel the envy and pain inside him to see such a beauty leaning against Maximilian. The one who should be held by such a beauty was him, not someone like Maximilian.

"Hey! The gorgeous girl right there! How about we get to know each other? Leave that shabby guy with his pathetic Benz so that I shall take you for a ride with my supercar."

Alluring girls with his supercar was a tried-and-true approach of Regan.

However, Flora gave him cold eyes and said, "I would rather like to ride on the back seat of Maximilian's bicycle, which is much better than your rugged supercar."

Regan felt insulted. How dared she say that his supercar was not even comparable to a bicycle?

He said to Flora again, "Well, sweetie, I think there is a misunderstanding between us. Even the best bicycle is a shit relative to a single wheel of my supercar."

"Don't count me as one of your female followers. I just love Maximilian’s honesty" Rolling her eyes in disgust, Flora said.

Hearing that, Regan felt he would burst with anger and shame the next second. How could such words come out from such a beautiful girl?

Glaring at Maximilian with his rounded eyes, Regan said, "You know what? I want your girl. Give her to me and I will pay you ten million dollars."

"You want her? Well, I have to consider it." Maximilian said with a smile.

Hearing that, Flora pinched hard at Maximilian's waist and said to him, "Don't even think about it, even if he wants to give you the whole planet!"

"Hey, that hurts! Take it easy, I'm just joking. I won't give you to anyone by chance. I would rather you stay with us and count on me like always." said Maximilian with a grin.

Seeing this provoking intimacy between Maximilian and Flora, Regan could feel the fury burning inside of him.

"OK, now that you have finished your call, and there is nothing happening by now. I guess you have something to say about that, don't you?" He said to Maximilian to change the topic.

Sensing the atmosphere was not right, those rich young followers around began to join Regan and support him.

"Yeah! Nothing is happening, isn't it? What are you gonna do about that? Maybe we shall cut off one of your hands or legs first!"

"Just hand over that beauty to Mr. Regan, you piece of shit! You don't deserve her, and Mr. Regan does!"

"Hey, the beauty right there! Listen to me. Leave that shabby guy and be Mr. Regan’s girl. He can bring you not only wealth, but also a brand new sensuality in bed!"

Stomping her feet with anger, Flora was totally riled by these men. She said to Maximilian, "Do something, Maximilian! Just look at what they are doing!"

"Be patient, Flora. It takes time to receive an international call, and he will soon see what's actually going on." Maximilian said in an unhurried manner.

Once again, Regan and the rich young followers burst into laughter again, thinking that his excuse sucked.

It was the moment when the young men were going to attack Maximilian with another round of humiliation that the phone in Regan's pocket rang.

The ringtone silenced everyone at the scene, and shifted their attention to Regan.


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