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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 584

"Damn!" What did we miss just now? How could it become like this? "

"How did he catch up with him? The speed of Regan's concept supercar is so fast, and it should be much faster than Maximilian's Benz. Why did he get caught up? "

"It's incredible. Is the Mercedes-Benz modified? But even a modified Mercedes-Benz has no chance to compete with the concept supercar! "

Everyone couldn't believe it, and felt that the scene before them was unreal.

Canaan laughed triumphantly, rushed to the confused commentator and snatched the microphone.

The commentator glared at Canaan, "Why are you stealing my microphone? Give it back to me!"

"It's impossible. Don't talk nonsense. From now on, I will explain the game for you. Your performance is too lousy."

Canaan directly pushed the commentator away, picked up the microphone and said, "Hello everyone, now I will explain it to you. You will witness a miracle today! No, it's magical to witness it! It will be an unforgettable night for you! "

The rich young guys looked at Canaan angrily, but no one dared to talk back. Now that the situation was gradually reversed, their determination had begun to shake.

"It seems you don't believe what I just said, but my master will prove it with action. You should wait and see!"

After Canaan finished his opening remarks, he looked at the screen. On it, the concept supercar entered the hairpin curve first, blocking the overtaking angle of the Mercedes-Benz.

"Regan's movements are excellent. It is undeniable that his driving skill is superb, but he is facing my master! I dare to conclude that Regan's lead can't be maintained for three turns!"

A few rich young guys yelled with disagreement, indicating that Canaan’s words were a bit too much.

Even if Maximilian caught up with Regan, it did not mean that Regan would lose.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense. Does it make sense to praise your master? Now he hasn't surpassed Regan. Maybe Regan was caught up deliberately in order to tease your master. "

"I think it's possible. Regan must think it's boring to win directly, so he deliberately teases your master. You fucking take it seriously. What an idiot!"

Canaan smiled, glanced at the rich young guys who were talking, and did not argue with them anymore. He was just waiting to show them the facts.

At that moment, Regan felt a lot of pressure. He had participated in countless racing tournaments with both successes and failures, but he had never experienced such great pressure.

Even when he went to the McLaren fleet for trial training and competed with his teammates who won the championship of Formula One race, Regan was not as nervous as he was now.

After passing the hairpin curve smoothly, Regan shifted the gear quickly and slammed the accelerator to the bottom.

The engine of the concept sports car roared and its speed suddenly increased.

He took the time to look in the rearview mirror and saw the Mercedes-Benz was still closely behind him. Regan hit the steering wheel hard.

"Damn it! Damn it! He was able to catch up with me with a trash Mercedes! This is totally wrong!"

Regan was not only a driver, but also a top learner, who knew well about automobile technology. As far as wind resistance alone was concerned, the Mercedes-Benz had no possibility of catching up!

What was more, Regan's concept supercar adopted the latest twelve-cylinder engine, which was extremely powerful.

In theory, the concept supercar had an overwhelming advantage, but the reality was completely different.


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