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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 586

The crowd surrounded Maximilian, Canaan and Flora and flattered them in various ways.

These rich young men were very snobbish. After comparison, they knew Maximilian’s driving skill was much better than that of Regan.

In addition, Maximilian broke Regan’s dreams just by a phone call. It showed Maximilian’s background and power, which also impressed these guys, and they abandon Regan one after another to stand on the side of Maximilian and Canaan.

A roar of car engine came, and Regan arrived in the concept supercar at a high speed.

The crowd made way for him, and watched the supercar stop.

Regan stopped his car beside the Benz and didn’t get off immediately. Instead, he looked at the Benz in a daze.

‘Is that the Mercedes Benz that beat me?’

‘What kind of Benz is this?’

‘How on earth did he adapt the car?’

‘What engine does this car use?’

There were countless questions in Regan’s mind, and he wanted to find the answer to his failure. Failure was not terrible. What really terrible was that he didn’t know why he failed.

Regan decided to find the answer to his question and then find a chance to save his face.

Biting his teeth, Regan untied his seat belt, opened the door and got off the car.

As he strode to the front of the Benz, Regan hammered the hood hard. He was not convinced and roared, “Open the hood! I want to see what you have done to it!”

“My master has never refitted the car. This is an imported Mercedes Benz S600. If you lose, you have to accept it. Don’t make excuses for your failure.”

Canaan shook his legs, and said complacently with hands crossed in front of his chest.

Looking at Canaan’s arrogant expression, Regan almost died of anger.

If it wasn’t for finding the root of his failure, Regan wanted to beat Canaan to death.

“No nonsense! Open the hood quickly.” Regan roared angrily.

“You have no right to shout here. Have you forgotten the bet you just made with my master? Now that you have lost, should you be my master’s running dog first?”

The eyes of people on the scene all turned to Regan.

He really bet on this.

At the moment, the on-lookers took a cold breath when they thought Regan was going to fulfill the bet.

This bet, whether Regan fulfilled it or not, would greatly damage his reputation. In the future, anyone who mentioned Regan in this circle would only take him as a joke.

Regan’s face turned red to the root of his neck, his eyes full of blood, and he was in a trance.

‘Running dog!’

‘If you lose, you’re going to be Maximilian’s running dog!’

‘Do I have to be a running dog in the future?’

‘I’m the young master of the Saunders Family!’

‘My grandfather has a mysterious hidden identity. He is Head of dragon lords in Dragon Sect!’

‘As the grandson of him, I’m not willing to be a running dog for Maximilian!’


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