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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 588

Regan was shocked as if he had been struck by lightning.

“How could it be possible? If he has never trained for it, how can he win me? At least he learned from a professional driver!”

Donald said with a helpless smile, “Well, you can check his information yourself. He has never received any training on how to drive. What’s more, you will be shocked after reading his information.”

“Why should I be shocked? Does he have any extraordinary identity and background? Is he better than me?”

Regan threw out a series of questions due to his doubts.

Donald shrugged helplessly again, “You are the grandson of the Head of dragon lords. Of course, he can’t compare with you in this respect. Moreover, he got married and lived with his wife’s parents. His identity is not worth mentioning at all.”

“Then why should I be shocked?”

“Not long ago, he was known as a loser in H city. But now it’s different. He’s suddenly different from before. He’s no longer a loser, but very powerful and domineering.”

“You know Casper? Casper talked to his wife, but Maximilian almost bit his bodyguard to death. His bodyguard is a foreign monk, a superb fighter.”

Donald told him about the information he had found related to Maximilian. After that, he looked at Regan with a smile, reached out and tapped Regan on the shoulder.

“He’s a hard nut to crack. Don’t try to win him by racing. We’d better destroy him directly.”

Donald wanted to please the Head of dragon lords for his own good, but he never had a good chance.

However, this was a good opportunity. If he helped Regan to destroy Maximilian, he would certainly benefit from the Head of dragon lords through Regan.

Donald knew he couldn’t take the initiative to do this until Regan asked for his help.

Regan rubbed his temples with both hands, as he couldn’t believe what he heard.

“Is there such a big gap between us? Is he gifted? Otherwise, how to explain that he has won me without practicing?”

“Dear young master, don’t worry about the race. If we kill him, you are still the No.1 in our country.”

Regan shook his head slowly, “No, I’ll stand up where I fell. It must be God who is sharpening me in this way. As long as I win him, I can stand on the top of the world’s car race.”

Donald sighed and didn’t know what to say. Regan was going to dwell on that matter.

“Well, in that case, I can do nothing for you. It happens that Master Benedict is also in H city these days. Would you like to visit him? It’s said that Dragon Queen seems to be here, too.”

“Dragon Queen has indeed come to H city. I come to visit her on behalf of my grandfather this time. As for Benedict, take my mobile phone to call him and let him come to me now.”

Regan put on airs. As a younger generation, he even tried to ask Master Benedict come to see him.

This was mainly due to the fact that Master Benedict was deprived of all his rights recently. Otherwise, he would not have been treated like this by Regan.

It was said that Benedict was going to fall from power in the Dragon Sect.

Donald’s face changed, and he said with hesitation, “I’m afraid it’s inappropriate. After all, he’s your elder.”

“What elder? A phoenix without hair is worse than a rooster. Benedict is down and out like a homeless dog now.” Regan said with disdain.

Donald said nothing more. He had to brace himself, pick up Regan’s mobile phone to call Master Benedict.


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