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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 597

"My lady, I didn't ask your family to help me clean up the mess. I told you frankly that I can handle these things, but you just want to get yourself involved."

Upon Hearing Maximilian's reply, Amira was immediately furious. She just wanted to speak out her mind and scold Maximilian, but was stopped by Victoria.

"Well, all right, Miss. Amira, Maximilian, you have to keep silence!"

Victoria hurriedly separated them from each other so that they would not continue quarrelling.

"What's more, both of you attend the jade carving conference on behalf of the Bates family. Since you are on the same boat, you must work together to stand out in the jade carving conference. Or you will be laughing stocks in the city."

After Victoria said this, neither of them said anything anymore. They turned around, and didn't want to see each other again, so as to not get angry again.

When they arrived at the registration site, they found many people waiting in the line. If they were to queue up, they would not be able to finish the registration until dark. Anyway, as the registration was unanimous, it was quite easy for them to get the invitation letter from the meeting room. Maximilian decided to go home now, and Amira had no right to speak and could only follow him and Victoria.

After a few days, Maximilian and Amira came back early.

Although it was the jade carving conference, it was actually the auction of antiques. A man would not get up early for nothing, and merchants would not do business to loss money.

Therefore, the venue was set at the sports center, and Pearce was the largest shareholder.

As the venue for the annual jade carving convention and auction, the whole stadium was packed with people.

The convention was held in a closed hall in the middle of the sports center. Maximilian and Amira queued in line at the door for a while before they entered.

There was no empty seat in hall, and a huge curtain was hanging inside, which served for the live broadcast of the convention.

The key competition venue was in the banquet hall on the second floor. Under normal circumstances, only powerful people could use the banquet hall, which was decorated in a luxury manner and inaccessible to ordinary people.

Looking at the invited guests on the second floor, Maximilian said to Amira with jealousy.

"What's the fun of watching live show in the hall? It's better to lie in the hotel and watch the broadcasting on TV. Since we have come here, we should go to the main venue."

Amira grinned, but she was in a dilemma.

"I would like to experience the atmosphere on the scene, but... we don't have an invitation, which is a bit difficult..."

Looked at the helpless Amira, Maximilian knew he had to rely on himself.

He looked at his watch, and it was more than an hour before the beginning of the convention.

Maximilian took out the paper and pen he had brought with him, wrote a list and handed it to Amira. He told her to prepare everything in the list within half an hour, and then came back to the sports center.

Amira looked at the list and saw some stationery and office supplies, and most of the items were totally unfamiliar to her, but she went out obediently.

After half an hour.

Amira came back with a bag and asked Maximilian who was smoking outside the sports center.

"Maximilian, can you tell me what are you going to do with these items?"


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