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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 603

When their conversation was over, Euan and Maximilian looked at each other to express their tacit understanding of the organizer’s trick.

“The bidding of the last item starts soon. Please return to your seat…”

Euan went back to the venue after hearing the broadcast.

When Maximilian walked to the door, his phone suddenly rang.

It was from the Bates family. Why did they call him at this moment?

Maximilian picked up the phone unpleasantly.

It was a woman’s voice.

“Hi, is that Mr. Lee? Our president said there was something emergent, and he wants you to come to the company now.”

“Right now? Did he tell you what the emergency is about?”

“I’m sorry. He didn’t tell me the details. He just asks me to tell you to come here as soon as possible.”

“Ok…Well, I understand.”

After hanging up the phone, Maximilian left the sports centre when calling Amira to come out and pick him up. He was regretful that he didn’t have chance to see the last item.

Maximilian arrived at the Bates group in a hurry. After getting in, he was led to Lane’s office.

Lane opened his mouth when Maximilian opened the door.

“Well, finally you’re here. Come in and sit down.”

Maximilian bowed to greet him and sat opposite to him. Then He asked, “Mr. Bates, why do you ask me to come here in such a hurry? Do you get any new information for me?”

“Ha, young people really react fast.”

Maximilian felt relaxed upon seeing Lane’s smile.

“Well, what did people in the antique circle tell you?”

Lane thought for a while and answered, “Maximilian, I have to tell you frankly that it is difficult for you to venture into the antique industry. Many families don’t seem to welcome you. Besides, they have taken precautions against you after what you did to the Brown family.”

Maximilian sneered and replied, “I can’t even if I just want to invest in it?”

Lane showed a treacherous smile and said, “According to the information I have gathered, they are unwilling to let you venture into the antique industry.”

Hearing this, Maximilian frowned. Why those guys in the antique industry didn’t welcome him?

Seeing Maximilian remain silent, Lane smiled and continued, “Don’t worry. I will try my best to convince them.”

“Thank you so much.” Maximilian smiled back.


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