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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 608

Maximilian realized that Gardner’s incident was the third time he had come across blood jade. He thought it was an accident. But he saw blood jade three times in a few days, which was definitely not so simple.

At this time, Amira asked again, “Mr. Maximilian, even if Gardner knew nothing about it, and lost his wits under the influence of blood jade, why did he aim at you? It stands to reason that a mad person cannot control his behaviors. I really can’t figure this out, so I think it is too hasty for you to hand Gardner to Euan so easily.”

“I have also thought about the question. It is certainly not accidental that Gardner targeted me. As for why he aimed at me, I don’t have a clear answer. But I am sure all this is not his real intention. I can still trust Euan, so I left the matter to him for investigation. Of course, I won’t ignore this matter completely. After all, it threatens my life, right? Haha, I need your help next!”

While talking, Maximilian laughed and patted Amira on the shoulder.

Amira didn’t expect Maximilian still had the mood to joke, and said with a wry smile.

“Well, I trust your judgment. I will try my best to help you!”

Soon they arrived at the hotel and went back to their rooms.

Maximilian lay directly on the bed after returning to his room. He sorted out all the recent events in his mind. He wondered why Lane appreciated him so much and what blood jade was.

He wondered if it was related to the Dragon Sect.

Pondered, he slipped into sleep.

When Maximilian woke up, it was already seven o’clock in the evening.

Maximilian opened his eyes in a daze and habitually reached out to touch his mobile phone. He was shocked when he lit up the screen. There were more than 20 missed calls.

Maximilian clicked on it and took a look. In addition to a few sales calls, there was another call from Euan.

Maximilian called him back.

“Hey... What’s the matter?”

“Hey, Maximilian, it’s me. Gardner has woken up and told me something. I think I need to tell you. Where are you now? I’ll be right there.”

“Oh... I see... No, I’ll come to you. Where are you?”

Euan seemed to perceive Maximilian’s depression, paused for a while, and then continued, “I’m at home now. You are not yourself. What happened?”

“Nothing. All right, I'll be there soon.”

After that, Maximilian hung up and sighed.


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