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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 611

Maximilian looked disappointed. He thought if he found Bradley’s school, he could get some information. But his effort was futile.

When Flynn saw Maximilian frustrated and depressed as if his hopes were dashed, he felt a little curious and asked, "Maximilian, was it important for you to find Bradley?"

"Alas, yes. It's a matter of life and death, but I cannot tell you, man." Maximilian sighed and said with disappointment.

At this time, normal people under great pressure would confide something to strangers to release their pressure.

Flynn was a stranger to Maximilian, so Maximilian simply told him something of no importance. He was not stupid to tell his secrets to a stranger.

After all, one could never test human nature.

After saying it tonelessly, Maximilian was ready to say goodbye to Flynn and leave here. After all, there was no useful information here.

A simple catharsis of the pressure, for Maximilian, after all, got nothing but false hope.

"In this case, I’ve already known about the ins and outs of the matter. Thank you so much, and I still have to bother you with another thing. If Bradley contacts you later, please call me. It’s really a matter of life and death for me. I’m not exaggerating."

"Of course, if she doesn't contact you, I’ll pay attention to it. Thank you, man."

Maximilian took out a piece of paper and pen from his pocket, wrote down his mobile phone number, and handed it to Flynn with both hands.

Flynn’s heart gave a sudden leap and he took the paper with his eyes flashing slightly. He asked, "Maximilian...is it true? It’s really a life-threatening matter?"

After seeing that he was still wondering about this, Maximilian smiled kindly, thinking that Flynn, as a college student, asked due to curiosity and kindness. Maximilian thought Flynn did not care much about it.

Maximilian nodded and said, "Yes, I hope it won’t bother you. Just let nature take its course. Of course, if you can help me, I’ll help you realize your dreams."

Maximilian said the last sentence incidentally. He thought it impossible for Flynn to get Bradley’s address.

"OK. That's all. Then you can take your class. I'll go first. Goodbye." Maximilian said and was ready to leave.

At the same time, Flynn figured it out in his heart. He gritted his teeth, tightly clutched the note with the telephone number, and stopped Maximilian. "Hey, Maximilian, wait a minute..."

Maximilian stopped and looked back in confusion. "What's the matter, man?"

Flynn looked at Maximilian for a long time. After a while, he said slowly, "Although I don't know where Bradley is, I know someone who must know where Bradley is!"


When he heard that, the disappointment in his eyes suddenly vanished and his eyes sparkled. Maximilian ran back to Flynn, looked at him with excitement, and could not help holding his hands. It seemed he did not care that Flynn had concealed something.

In any case, it was mutual affection for others to help him, and it was reasonable for others not to help you.


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