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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 613

Maximilian immediately started to solve the problem of Bradley, and knew that Ewan and his family had moved out of H City because of the Dragon Sect!

Sure enough, Dragon Queen had reached out to the antique circle in H City and wanted to fight against Maximilian.

However, Maximilian was not worried. He decided to handle the matters according to the actual situation.

To integrate into the antique jade industry, he needed to know some clues about blood jade.

Maximilian came to a raw jade factory in H City, and wanted to see if he could find some clues here.

Undoubtedly, it was most exciting to cut the raw jade in public. The first several stones proved to be not valuable, but Maximilian did not stop.

At this time, the experienced craftsman did not dare to cut more and waited for Maximilian to make the final decision. Maximilian was not in a hurry. Of course, he had to pretend to be ambivalent.

After a long time, Maximilian took a deep breath and said, "Cut!"

Again, the experienced craftsman cut more raw jade stones, and three pieces remained intact at the end.

These three pieces definitely had jade inside, and Maximilian was waiting for it now.

However, many on-lookers had left. Some who thought they would get valuable jade before left one after another, as they were not optimistic about the results.

There were only a few people left. They just looked on indifferently, because it was commonplace for them, and they stayed until the end every time.

They were staying to see the final result. At this time, they actually had some expectations.

No one knew the final result.

But they could predict the result. There were so many pieces of waste stones just now, and they didn't think there would be any precious stone.

They thought Maximilian would not do so if there would be good jade, so they just stood aside silently.


But when the craftsman was ready to cut the stone, Maximilian standing next to him finally stopped him.


This time, Maximilian took a deep breath and finally said so.

At this time, all the on-lookers present felt Maximilian might give up, but even giving up was better than putting all the money into it.

"Dude, listen to me. Giving up is the best choice!"

"Yes, don't lose all your money!"

"Giving up means less loss!"

People around Maximilian spoke one by one, and they were actually very kind.

Maximilian kept silent, and no one knew what he was thinking now.

At this moment, they clearly heard a voice, "I think it's better to continue. I’m on your side!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, perhaps because they think it sounded pleasant to ears.

When they saw the person speaking, they felt stunned.

What did they see? A gorgeous woman!

"Dear, I believe your judgment!"

The woman approaching was gentle and charming. She was as pure as a water lily just rising from water. However, she had a cold temperament that kept people away.

The onlookers around them just took a glance and felt she was elegant and could only be admired from afar.

However, what could not be changed was that the lustful men looked at her with unbridled eyes. For them, it was a good opportunity to feast their eyes, and of course, they would not miss it.


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