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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 620

“It’s almost ready. You don’t need to worry about anything, mom.” Maximilian smiled, “After dinner, I will go out to buy something for the event with Victoria. You can rest assured.”

Gladly, Laura changed her attitude towards him. Otherwise, he might have to leave because of her.

Laura nodded, “Ok.”

Soon, they started chatting.

After dinner, Maximilian let the nanny take care of the cleaning up, and then looked at Victoria, “Victoria, let’s go to the mall.”

Victoria nodded, “Ok.”

They soon left in the car.

“How many days are there before the housewarming banquet?” A dry voice sounded in a dark room.

“Three days after today.” A man said respectfully.

“Three days?” Hackett paused, and then asked, “Is everything ready?”

“Yes, sir. He will love it on the event.” That man smiled.

Hackett had been preparing for the event in these days. Dragon Queen said if the plan did notwork this time, he would not need to go back to her anymore.

However, Hackett did not dare to go back to the mountain. Otherwise, his master would kill him.

“Good. Go check those things again, and make sure everything is perfect so that we can mess with Maximilian this time. It would be the best if we can just kill him directly.” Hackett said in a low voice.

His eyes turned cold, “Besides, keep watching on Maximilian. If there are chances before the event, do not hesitate to act in advance, so he even doesn’t have the chance to host the banquet.”

That man had goose bumps upon hearing his words, “Got it, sir.”

“Ok. Leave me alone.” Hackett closed his eyes after saying that. Then he just leaned on the couch silently, thinking about the next moves.

Meanwhile, in the Bate family, Lane directly summoned a meeting about Maximilian with other members in the family.

“Maximilian called me today about this event.” Lane did not even hesitate about telling the others this news.

They got confused, while Amira asked, “Dad, why do you do him this favor? He said it would be risky. What if we get into trouble?”

Amira knew her dad had never done something so risky.

Lane just looked at Amira with a meaningful look, “The more you pay, the more you gain, and the more you risk.”

“Besides, I believe Maximilian will not fall so easily.”

“The chance for our family to prosper is on Maximilian.”


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