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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 622

The bodyguards got up when they could not see Maximilian anymore.

They gathered around Wilson, who was still unconscious and didn’t know what to do. “God knows why we were so damn unlucky to encounter such a badass. Master is still in coma, we will never get away from this. ”

“It is not the time to consider that. Let’s take the master to hospital right now. If anything happens to him, we will be dead for sure. ”

Ignoring their pain, the bodyguards took Wilson and rushed to the hospital.

Wilson was admitted by a middle-aged doctor in emergency department. A series of examinations were arranged for Wilson.

The bodyguards took Wilson, who was still in coma, to take examinations. The middle-aged doctor got the results not long after.

The doctor looked at the CT results and frowned, “Who is the patient’s family?”

“We are his bodyguards, kind of like his family. Doctor, how is our master?”

The doctor shook his head and said with a stern face, “His lumbar vertebra was damaged severely. We must give him a surgery immediately. Even after the surgery, there is high possibility that he can no longer stand and walk with his legs.”

“Can’t walk with legs? Then how should he walk?” The bodyguards were confused.

Didn’t people walk with their legs? If he couldn’t walk with his legs, then he walked with his hands?

The doctor’s words didn’t make sense at all.

The middle-aged doctor shook his head and said, “What I mean is that he will be paralyzed from his waist down. He can only sit in the wheelchair for the rest of his life. ”

“What! Our master could only walk with a wheelchair? Are you kidding? Our master cannot be paralyzed. Please, doctor, do something! Money won’t be a problem!”

The bodyguards were anxious. If Wilson was indeed paralyzed, they would be dead for sure, and even their family would be in danger.

The doctor forced a smile and said, “My medical skill is not good enough. I can’t do anything about it. You can transfer the patient to hospitals in J City and find an expert to take a look. ”

The bodyguards glanced at each other and didn’t want to take Wilson back to J City.

If Wilson was sent back to J City, surely his family would know the incident. If they knew, the bodyguards would be the first to be blamed.

Wilson woke up when the bodyguards were discussing what to do.

Wilson took a look around and realized he was in the hospital. He moved his body and wanted to get up. A sudden sharp pain from the waist hit him unexpectedly and he groaned painfully.

“Oh my god, what’s wrong with my waist? It hurt so much! What the fuck! Someone, anyone comes take a look at my wound!”

“Master, please don’t move! The doctor said your waist was broken by that mother fucker and needs surgery. You may be paralyzed even after the surgery and need to use wheelchair for the rest of your life. ”

A single-minded bodyguard told Wilson the truth at once.

Wilson felt terrible after hearing it and stared at the bodyguards, “This cannot be true. Where is the doctor? Bring him over!”


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