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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 633

"You seem to have some narcissism. This is a recruitment interview, not a blind date. I hope you understand the situation well."

Victoria finished the words and looked at Maximilian; Maximilian smiled and hugged Victoria's shoulder.

Keegan didn't face up to Maximilian until the moment.

Looking at Maximilian quickly, he said contemptuously, "With due respect, he is not suitable for you. I think your fascination with him may be more due to animal instinct. But you need to be rational."

"Rational? For a utilitarian like you, I am afraid everything can be measured by money. Can you give up all your fame and fortune for Victoria, and even give her your life?" Maximilian said with a smile.

Keegan sneered twice, "If I give up my fame and fortune, how can I give my woman and my future children a good life? You, a famous loser, probably don't know the world I live in, so you don't have to impose your guesses on me. What you said is just a joke."

The door was pushed open, and the manager leaned in.

The manager looked inside and walked into the private room with an apologetic smile.

Manager Thomas was not in the restaurant today, but he had already told his men. As long as Maximilian arrived at the restaurant, he would try his best to entertain him.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I've come to provide refreshments for our most distinguished guests. Do you need anything?"

Keegan raised his head and looked at Maximilian triumphantly. "Did you see that? This is the importance of fame and fortune as you said. Only with enough fame and fortune, others will look up to you, treat you as a distinguished guest, and give you supreme enjoyment."

The manager looked slightly startled, gave him an awkward and polite smile and said, "Sir, you misunderstood me. The most distinguished service is for Mr. Maximilian, and he is our VIP."

"What the hell is VIP? Why can he enjoy the most distinguished service? Are you mistaken? It is me who should enjoy the most distinguished service!"

The fact hit him too suddenly, and he got extremely embarrassed.

Just now, he said these things were brought by fame and fortune, but it was due to Maximilian. This was just kidding.

Maximilian smiled and said, "Because I made a lot of suggestions for their services, and they treated me like a guest."

"Impossible! According to the principles of economics ..." Keegan patted the table severely, stalked his neck and said, "You can't understand even if I tell you!"

Staring at the manager, he shouted bitterly, "How did you become a manager? Can't you tell what a potential customer is? How dare you not provide me with the most distinguished service for a quality customer like me?"

"Sorry, we only provide the most distinguished service to Mr. Maximilian, and no one else can enjoy this service." The manager replied politely.

He was mad and asked loudly, "As a consumer, I need an explanation. Today you must give me a reasonable explanation."

"The explanation is that Maximilian's identity is nobler than yours, so he can enjoy the most distinguished service."


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