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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 646

When Victoria saw Keegan stand up, she couldn't help but cover her face with both hands.

Why was this guy still in H City? Why didn't he leave?

Maximilian smiled and reached out his hands while saying politely, "Which of my points do you disagree with? Can you be more specific?"

"I don't agree with all of your points, and I don't agree with anything you say." Keegan just retorted bluntly.

The guests in the lecture room burst into laughs. Keegan was just being unreasonable!

"Mr. Showy, sit down. Don't be unreasonable. All of us are well-educated and we don't welcome someone like you."

"Who brings this unreasonable man here? Send him home and feed him some medicine."

"He seems to be a newbie. Does he belong to our circle? Does anyone who brings him here intend to cause trouble?"

Keegan was angry when hearing everyone talk about him like this.

"Shut up, I am debating with Maximilian on academic issues! How dare you interrupt me? How can you call me unreasonable? You are uneducated and illiterate losers."

Keegan's teammates felt their faces were burnt with shyness.

Was Keegan crazy? How dare he attack everyone present like this?

They moved their seats away from Keegan to show that they didn't know Keegan at ll.

Keegan's words made Maximilian almost laugh out with joy. He wondered whether there was anything wrong with Dr. Keegan's brain.

Now that Keegan began to attack others present, Maximilian didn't need to fight back on his own, as the others would do this for him.

Sure enough, the crowd froze for a while and then began to curse Keegan together.

They cursed Keegan with all kinds of dirty words, which made Keegan's expression become worse and worse. Apparently, he was on the edge of an angry outburst.

Keegan remained in silence for a while and finally burst in anger. He jumped to a chair to stand tall and waved his hands while roaring, "You all shut up. I just want to talk to Maximilian! Maximilian, do you dare to debate with me again?"

"You still dare to debate with me? I admire your courage since you are already defeated by me. Just go ahead." Maximilian looked at Keegan indifferently and invited him to talk first.

Keegan took a deep breath, but suddenly didn't know what to say. He stared at Maximilian with widened eyes, but didn't say anything for a long time.

"What's the matter, Mr. Showy? Are you stuck?"

"Maximilian has agreed to debate with you. Why don't you say anything? Are you afraid?"

"He must have something wrong with his brain. We can't afford to mess up with him."

Keegan was annoyed, and finally managed to say, "You go first!"

"What should I say first? It is you who disagrees with my viewpoint, and you have to point out the problem of my view point so that I can continue." Maximilian looked at Keegan with a smile.

Keegan gritted his teeth fiercely.

Just now, he didn't listen to Maximilian's lecture at all because he was totally immersed in his hatred towards Maximilian. So, he definitely couldn't point out Maximilian's mistakes and state his own ideas.


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