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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 66

After saying that, Matilda turned around and twisted her crotch to continue on her way while her heart grew even more disgusting and contemptuous of the man behind her.


Migrant workers?


Maximilian couldn't help but have a few headaches. This woman wouldn't be mistaken for someone else, right?


Soon, he followed Matilda to a miscellaneous room, which was filled with many music hall seats.


Matilda pointed to one side in a commanding manner and ordered.


"Get to work. You must have all the seats in the inner lobby set up by the end of the day.


And all of you hurry up too, don't think of slacking off. I'll be right here watching you, if anyone slacks off, you won't get paid!"


The few workers over there were carrying tables and chairs. Upon hearing her words, they were busy working hard for fearing that their wages would be deducted.


Maximilian was a bit confused while looking at everything in front of him. It was a messy mess.


How did I become the one to move things?


“Im sorry, are you mistaken, I'm not here......” Maximilian turned his head to look at the woman manicuring her nails in front of him.


Matilda raised her eyebrows and said with cold disdain.


"What's wrong? You're a part-time migrant worker, where's all the nonsense? Hurry up and get to work!" After saying this, she glared coldly at the migrant workers watching around and chided.


"What are you looking at? A bunch of losers. Get to work or your wages will be deducted!"


There was also a gloomy expression on Maximilian’s face as he said.


"What are you doing here?


Migrant workers are human too. They get paid to work for you, you are in an employment relationship, not landlords and slaves, is there any need to be so disrespectful?"


Matilda had just turned her head to leave, and when she heard Maximilian’s words, she returned with an incredulous expression, and with a pair of eyes smeared with thick mascara, she looked Maximilian up and down while pointing at his nose and scolding him.


"Who got you a dumbass to work here? And you dare to talk back to me, do you know who I am?!"


Matilda was very close to Maximilian, and she was talking loudly, and her spittle was almost sprayed on Maximilian’s face.


Maximilian looked at her with disgust and said coldly.


"I don't care who you are, I just want you to respect people, so they will respect you, or you won't end up well!"


“Ouch, that's a rarity .....”


Matilda looked exasperated with disdain and mockery all over her face,


"I really don't understand what qualification you have to say such things to me here. All right, I'm done talking to you. Get out, get out! No work for you here, get out of here......”


Matilda pushed Maximilian outwards while shouting and scolding.


Maximilian brushed aside her hand and said indifferently.


“I'm not here to work. I'm here to see your manager Bianca.”


"Bianca? Just you? And you're looking for our manager?"


Matilda said with a disdainful face.


"What? You want to take it up with our manager?


Who the hell are you? Get the hell out of here!


If you don't get out, Ill call security to blow you away!"


Matilda crossed her waist, her nostrils were turning up to the sky, and her temper was extremely arrogant.


Maximilian raised his sword eyebrows.


What the hell! This woman was brutal, and she looked at people with tinted glasses, and opened her mouth to scold people like she was a noble lady herself.


Maximilian was really angry this time, and he could not reason with this kind of bitch!


Maximilian's face chilled as he asked.


"What's your name?”


Matilda glanced at Maximilian and said.


“Why, my name is none of your business? Are you trying to look for someone to fix me, aren't you? Are you worthy of knowing my name, just you hillbilly?"


How dare a bunch of dogs selling hard labor pretend to be peremptory in front of her!


Maximilian sneered.


"That's not true. I'm certainly not that barbaric.


Only, I'll have to know what your name is when I fire you later.”


Matilda first froze, stared straight at Maximilian, and then laughed wildly!


That sound was almost like a hen laying an egg.


"Oh my god, that's ridiculous, ha-ha! Stinking idiot, you as a worthless worker are talking about firing me?


You think you're a rich kid on a visit while often wearing plain clothes to experience life."



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