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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 685

"Th…that’s impossible. It can’t be true! How did you cheat? Even if you cheated, you couldn’t have that!"

Looking blank, those big shots stared at the dots in the dice box, finding the reality more incredible than the movie King of Gambling.

"Each of the dices is shattered into six pieces while the dots are all facing up, and that makes three 21 dots. This is not something can be achieved by human beings."

"This is over the top. I would never believe that he didn’t cheat! Look at those smooth surfaces. They are not shattered into pieces at all, but cut off!"

"Mr. Lee, explain it to us. How did you cheat on earth? You’re dicing with death by cheating in front of us!"

Those big shots stared at Maximilian fiercely, as if they would eat him alive.

Maximilian looked at them with cold eyes. "I don’t blame you for your ignorance, but you’ll get a beating if you shoot off your mouths."

A chill came over the big shots as if they were enveloped in cold air. They shivered together and then stepped back.

When they stood still, the terrified big shots found it shameful to have done so.

After all, they were not some ordinary people. If word got out that they were actually bluffed by Maximilian’s stare, they would end up with egg on their faces.

The most authoritative man narrowed his eyes and said savagely, "When did we shoot off our mouths ever? Just take a look at your own dices. Who can shatter them so smoothly by shaking them? Apparently, they were cut by some sharp tool."

"Are you kidding? You chose the place. You offered the tools. You made the rules. Tell me how could I have prepared any cheating tool in advance? I wonder how you guys have reached your positions today. You are too muddle-headed to work for me."

After that, Maximilian shook his head, looking at those big shots in disdain.

The big shots were seething with rage and about to call their people to teach Maximilian a lesson.

Duncan picked up a piece of dice, took a good look at it and said solemnly, "They are not wrong. This is definitely a cut mark. Mr. Lee, it’s not that we don’t believe you, but these dices are beyond belief."

Beatrice widened her eyes and said coldly, "So your dices are convincing? You should thank God that we didn’t pick on you. Mr. Lee has already proved that he can do it, while you can’t because you’re not capable enough!"

The man with the hottest temper took out a pistol from his lower back, loaded it with a click and pointed the dark muzzle at Maximilian.

"Mr. Lee, explain it to us now. It’s impossible for you to cheat in front of us, and it’s more impossible for you to rip us off."

Maximilian started to laugh, staring at that hot-tempered man as if he was an idiot.

"For your courage’s sake, dare you make another bet with me? I bet your gun will be turned into scrap metal."

"Are you joking? How can my gun be turned into scrap metal? This time, I bet…" Before the hot-tempered man could finish his words, he was stopped by other big shots.

"Calm down. We’re here to be the witnesses, not to fight." Other big shots were winking at him as they spoke, signaling the hot-tempered man to cool down.


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