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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 688

A Mercedes-Benz sports car drove to the riverside. Myles, who was refreshed, opened the door and got out of the car.

“Hahaha, Aarav, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Very sorry to have kept you waiting.”

“Don’t be so polite. It’s my honor to wait for you. Look at my men. They can help you put up a front.”

Aarav said with a smile on his face. His men all stood upright, trying to show the best mental outlook.

Myles glanced at them casually and was still very satisfied with the number of men brought by Aarav.

Moreover, the dozens of people Myles brought looked very capable. Besides, they seemed to be good at fighting. If a group of people beats Maximilian together, Myles estimated that Maximilian couldn’t hold out for much longer!

‘Maximilian, I’d like to see how capable you are.’ Myles thought bitterly.

“You guys look pretty good. By the way, have you brought any weapons? The person you fight later is Maximilian. Don’t show mercy to him. You just need to take out the weapons and fight with him. I will be responsible for his death.”

Myles stretched out his hand and made a shot gesture, indicating that Aarav could directly use the pistol after a while.

Aarav smiled and nodded. He began to silently mourn for Myles.

They couldn’t kill Maximilian by shooting later. People like Aarav had passed strong wind and big waves. They were good at shifting their ground according to circumstances. Just now, Aarav and others had already communicated with each other. If the person they would deal with was Maximilian, they had to rebel without hesitation.

“Of course, we have carried weapons. You can rest assured.” Aarav said with a fake smile.

Myles nodded at me and then walked towards Bertie, with a lustful smile on his face, “Bitch! How dare you break my plan. I’ll let you see how Maximilian is beaten.

Somebody, inform Maximilian and let him come over. I will fuck this bitch while seeing how Maximilian is beaten, hahaha!”

“Bah, bastard! Go to hell!”

Bertie yelled at Myles angrily, stared at Aarav and others beside Myles, and said loudly, “How dare you still help Myles. Aren’t you afraid that Maximilian will come and fix you!”

Aarav put his hands around his chest and winked at Duncan.

Duncan said to his niece with a smile, “Bertie, you should think about how to let Maximilian come to rescue you. Myles, let this girl make a call to Maximilian. Maybe he will come faster.”

“It makes sense. Just let this bitch make a call to Maximilian, that waste.”

After Myles waved his hand, the bodyguard next to him took out Bertie’s mobile phone, opened it, and dialed Maximilian’s phone number. Then he put the mobile phone in Bertie’s ear.

“Hey! Maximilian, hurry to rescue me. Myles has caught me. We are in the landscape square next to a river. Come now!” Bertie shouted.

“I see. Your voice is so loud that my eardrums are about to break. Can’t you lower the voice?” Maximilian complained, then hung up the phone, and hurried to the landscape square next to the river.

Bertie raised her head and stared at Myles with anger, “Wait, Maximilian will come to rescue me in a while. If you let go of me now, I can help put in a good word for you and ask Maximilian to let you go!”

Myles sneered coldly, and his expression turned hideous and twisted.


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