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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 695

Bentley's face was hot, and he felt embarrassed. He was calling for this revenge for Regan and Jakub just now, but he was hit before he could take revenge.

Maximilian's strength was too strong. And Bentley thought he did not have enough ability to win him unless he could use that thing! The anger started from the heart, and the evil came to the gall. Bentley fiercely clenched his teeth and decided to show weakness first to confuse Maximilian, "Mr. Lee, you are powerful. I, Bentley, am convinced, please spare me, Mr. Lee!"

Maximilian smiled coldly, loosened his grip on Bentley's fist, and contemptuously patted Bentley's swollen red cheeks, "You are quite self-aware. Just now you were quite arrogant, where is the arrogance go now? I am just warming up, you actually have to beg for mercy."

Andrew was very anxious on the side. And he just told himself that Bentley should have the ultimate move that did not come out. But in the blink of an eye, Bentley directly begged for mercy. This great contrast made Andrew somewhat unacceptable, "Mr. Bentley, how can you beg for mercy!"

"Damn it! If I do not beg for mercy, I will be killed. Didn’t you see how powerful Mr. Lee is? If I use all my strengths, I am not Mr. Lee's opponent. How about you come and have a fight with Mr. Lee?" Bentley roared.

Andrew was nervous and trembled, and suddenly felt that he was a bit of a blunder as a leading party this time. The flustered Andrew forced a smile and looked at Maximilian awkwardly and said, "Maximilian, I just lead the way for him. And everything has nothing to do with me, I was also forced to do this."

Andrew stepped back as he talked and didn't dare to stay here anymore. Bentley begged for forgiveness, so Andrew was sure when Maximilian was free, he would clean up him.

Maximilian sneered and looked at the retreating Andrew, "Uncle Andrew, you do not rush to go. I still have something to talk to you about carefully. We have accumulated a lot of accounts between us. Today let's settle it together."

Seeing that Maximilian's attention was no longer on himself, Bentley laughed inwardly, “This was a great opportunity, it's good to have that stupid pig Andrew to attract Maximilian's attention, now I can use my secret weapon to clean Maximilian!”

Bentley's right hand had been crushed, so he could no longer move at all. At this moment, he could only touch his waist with his left hand. A small barrel was quietly withdrawn from the belt by Bentley's left hand. Feeling the cold touch from the small drum, Bentley felt that Maximilian's death had come.

Bentley's thumb pressed on the bottom of the barrel, with a subtle click sound, many tiny dark short needles like cow hair shot out. That was an antique concealed weapon designed and made by Bentley.

Although it was antique, it used many of the latest high-tech, and the power of close-range firing was much stronger than that of firearms. Moreover, the short needles of cattle hair were all contaminated with highly toxic, and they could kill a person as long as they cut a bit of the skin.

“Haha, Maximilian, you must die! This is a secret weapon that can break through bulletproof vests! You can't even defend yourself against it, let alone you're not defending yourself at all. You're going to die this time! I am not that easy to deal with!” Bentley thought with complacency in his heart.

When Bentley was secretly proud of it and those short needles covered Maximilian like a plume of smoke, Maximilian suddenly turned his head to look at Bentley, and then he smiled as if everything was under his control.

Bentley's heart trembled, wondering why Maximilian showed that smile and if he had misunderstood the meaning of Maximilian's smile. But in the next second, Bentley understood why Maximilian had that kind of smile.


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