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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 707

It was about the time to end the work day.

Canaan came into the office and said with a great smile on his face, “Master, there is a new Japanese restaurant called Kyoten Izakaya. Let’s go and try it tonight, my treat.”

Maximilian didn’t care about it. He looked at Victoria, intending to hear her opinion.

Squinting her eyes, Victoria said, “Then let’s go and have a try. I haven’t had Japanese food for a long time.”

“I heard the chefs it hired are Japanese, and they are definitely excellent in cooking. Let’s get ready to go now.” Canaan said excitedly.

The three left the office soon and drove to Kyoten Izakaya restaurant.

Located in the outskirts of the city, Kyoten Izakaya was a manor of Japanese style, and the wooden cabins and pavilions were built and decorated in Japanese style.

When the three parked the car, two staff members came forward and asked them politely if they had a reservation.

Canaan took out his mobile phone and recited a phone number. Upon hearing it, the restaurant staff behaved more reverently.

“Distinguished guests, please come in.”

The staff bowed and led them into the lobby.

There were several men with Japanese appearance standing in the lobby, who were shouting at a female staff member at the moment.

“Why do we have no seats? Since the largest table is empty, why don’t you let us take it? Your Kyoten Izakaya is a copy of the real one in my home country. You should entertain us in a better way and treat us like your own father!”

The staff member explained with a wry smile, “The largest one has been booked. And we adopt an appointment system here, so if you want to have a meal here, you should make an appointment in advance. You can reserve your place for tomorrow.”

“Shit, no way! We have decided to hold a dinner party for Mr. Kawabata today. We’ll take that table. Let’s go!”

Regardless of the dissuasion of the staff, these men went to the empty table.

The staff who came in with Maximilian was anxious when he saw them, then he ran to stop these men in front of the table.

“Sir, please don’t do this. The guests who’ve booked this table are here. You’d better make an appointment now, and then come here tomorrow.” The staff said politely.

“Asshole! I’d like to see who’s competing with me for a table.”

The Japanese man turned around and glanced at Maximilian, then stared at Victoria and Flora, as they two were arm in arm.

“Ouch! Beautiful women! It’s quite rare to meet such attractive beauties. Ha ha! It seems we have someone to delight us when we drink. How lucky we are today!”

These Japanese men looked at both Victoria and Flora in a lustful way and walked towards them.

Maximilian stepped forward and stood in front of the two, staring at these men coldly.

“Get out of the way, punk! Leave these two beauties alone, then you and the fat-ass can go, or we’ll teach you a lesson.”

“Mr. Hikawa, there’s no need to talk to him. For these low lives, money can deal with it. Ha ha.” The man pulled out a handful of banknotes and threw them at Maximilian while saying.

“Pick up the money and get out of here. We are from Yamayo branch office in H City. If you don’t get out, I just need to give an order, and then you will end up in misery.”

“Great! Mr. Yamamoto has a good understanding of everything. It feels so good to throw money at others. I’d like to have a try.”


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