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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 724

Maximilian gestured to Flora, motioning her to find a place to hide.

After hesitating, Flora stood behind a pillar and looked around vigilantly.

Maximilian took out the toolbox from the car and quickly walked towards the Passat.

When Maximilian walked to the Passat, Read looked at the monitor screen and was surprised.

"You're good and smart, and thought of the bomb in my car so quickly. If that's the case, let's make it more difficult."

Read took out his phone and fiddled with it, and there was a mechanical sound from Passat.

It was the sound of the car being locked.

Read installed a mechanical lock on the car, making the door more difficult to open.

Hearing the sound, Maximilian was sure about that the time bomb was on Passat.

With a calm face, he silently estimated the space of the warehouse. Since the bombs could blow up this warehouse, the quantity must be considerable.

This was a refitted car, which Read usually drove. There should be no bombs in the engine compartment and front and rear seats, so it was most likely in the trunk.

After Maximilian's careful analysis, he opened the toolbox briskly.

The tools in the toolbox were complete. In addition to cutting pliers, and screwdrivers, there was even a small cutting machine.

Hearing the sound of the mechanical lock, Maximilian gave up unlocking the car. He picked up the small cutting machine and installed the cutting disc, and pressed the switch.

The small cutting machine swiftly started up.

Maximilian began to cut the trunk of Passat.

Read angrily squeezed the can in his hand, and the cola with white foam spouted out.

"Asshole, with such a tool, it's fucking cheating!"

"Oh, it's the first time I saw Read get angry. I heard that it's scary for honest people to get angry." A killer teased Read.

The other two also laughed. They hope that Maximilian can find the time bombs so that there will be a chance to fuck Flora.

Thinking of Flora's tall and graceful figure and charming face, the three killers smiled, rubbed their hands and couldn't wait.

"Read, don't be angry. You can kill the guy to relieve your anger, and we only want the beauty."

"Ha ha, that's right. We only want indifferent beauty, and are not interested in this handsome guy. We'll leave it to you."

Read hammered the table heavily.

"Damn, you go to prepare the equipment, and don't be careless after a while." After Read finished speaking, he stood up, went to the corner and took out a box.

There was a drone in the box, which was modified by Read. It added a fire control system that could fire bullets continuously. In previous assassinations, it had done countless merits.

Three killers also picked up their own equipment, one with a sniper rifle and two with assault rifles.

They could be regarded as a gang of killers armed to the teeth.

The other three killers had all worked as mercenaries. They had been on the battlefield in Africa and had fought dozens of times with foreign mercenaries.


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