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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 754

“You will die today.”Mark wanted to get the job done and get his money. He raised his hand to order his men to shoot.

The killers behind Mark all pointed their weapons toward Maximilian at once.

Mark’s eyes looked wild. The man in front of him looked so confident. This confidence made Mark wonder that the man can get rid of them tonight.

Other people might even shit their pants under such circumstance. How could Maximilian be so calm?

Beatrice covered her eyes and was too afraid to look. In no ways Maximilian could survive tonight from so many killers.

“Is he too scared to fight back?”

“I think he doesn’t have the gut to move at all.”

“We will shoot him if he dares to make a single movement.”

Those killers thought Maximilian was waiting for his doom.

Just at the exact moment when Mark put down his hand, everybody pulled the trigger.

At the same time, Maximilian moved and dodged all the bullets. He rushed to Mark and grabbed his neck.

When everybody was still loading the gun, the situation had already turned around.

The killers didn’t expect Maximilian to attack Mark first. Maximilian’s quick response shocked them.

The suffocation made Mark panicked. The feeling of approaching death made him feel unease.

“What are you thinking? Don’t shoot.” Mark scolded. He was not planning to die with Maximilian and he scolded his men for aiming at him.

His men didn’t dare to move. It was a deadlock.

“Mr. Lee, let go off me. I promise that you will leave today safely.” Mark took a deep breath and tried to negotiate with Maximilian.

Maximilian knew if he let Mark go, Mark would definitely go back on his word. But at least, Maximilian got an opportunity to break out.

When Maximilian was about to let Mark go, they heard a gunshot, which was aiming at Mark.

Maximilian pulled Mark backwardly and didn’t lose his grip of Mark’s neck. Mark was furious when he realized what had happened. Who the fuck tried to put his life in danger?

Mark barked, “Who fired?”

He already gave order to cease fire. Who was trying to disobey his order?

All his men looked confused.

“Bros, the reward for this job is 10 million and this Mark will get half of it. How about we get the whole 10 million ourselves.” A killer with a Otto tattoo said with a cold smile.

His words were quite tempting and most of the killers seemed interested.

They could get the whole 10 million if they could get rid of Mark. Why not and who would know what they did?

Maximilian said teasingly, “It seems that the loyalty of your men is quite fragile.”


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