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Drenched in Love novel Chapter 119

Sophia tried to find a chance to thank Stephen for the translation document. However, she didn't see him in either the Berry villa or the Berry Group in the next few days. It was until she accidentally saw Stephen on TV that she knew that he was away for a meeting.

In the days when Stephen was away, Sophia had an easy time every day. Each morning, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast and then went to run on the playground. After running, she could came back to directly eat the cooled breakfast.

Sophia didn't use the expensive skin care products Stephen gave her as she was afraid that she couldn't pay them off. After keeping a regular lifestyle these days, Sophia looked better and the dark circles around her eyes disappeared.

This morning, Sophia went to the kitchen to make breakfast as usual and went to run in sweatsuits. But when she arrived at the playground, she found that Stephen was already there.

"You 're back, Mr. Berry."

"Uh." replied Stephen who continued to run without pause. Sophia quickly kept up with him. They ran in tandem in an steady speed.

There were wide lawns in the center of the playground. Beside was the garden maintained by the servants. Between the blue sky and the green lawns, a young man and a woman were running in tandem, which was like an an oil painting.

After running, they separately came back to take a shower and came downstairs after changing the clothes.

Hannah still didn't show up, so no one cooked. Sophia only made her own breakfast as she didn't know that Stephen would come back today.

Sophia pushed the rice porridge, steamed twisted roll and the pickled cucumber to the front of Stephen. Glancing at her, Stephen didn't refuse them and ate half of the rice porridge and steamed twisted roll. Then he stood up and said, "I'm full. Finish your breakfast."

As it was still early, Stephen didn't go to the company immediately. Instead, he walked to sit down on the sofa to watch the financial news.

Looking at the meal left over by Stephen and the chopsticks and bowls used by him, Sophia finally didn't pick them up after a long hesitation. Noticing it, Stephen, who was watching the financial news, turned his head to look at her discontentedly.

His sight was so sharp that Sophia dared not to look straight at him. She picked up the bowl to eat the porridge. After taking a mouthful of the porridge, she realized that she was using the same bowl used by Stephen. The place her lips were touching were right the place his perfect lips just touched...

Sophia suddenly blushed.

Out of her sight, Stephen, who was watching the financial news, suddenly smiled. Although disappearing soon, it was a sincere smile that had truly existed.

The return of Stephen didn't bring any changes to the life of Sophia. What she needed to do every day was just to go to the company and came back to the villa after work. Stephen never ordered her to do anything embarrassing her again, including serving him to bath.

Gradually, Sophia became relaxed and began to look for some translation jobs on the Internet to earn some pocket money.

This day, Sophia got another part-time job and came back to the Berry villa in a good mood. She was going to start working this night. However, when she pushed the door open, Stephen was standing in her room with a sullen look.

"Mr. Berry."

Turning to look at her discontentedly, Stephen took the lotion on the desk and asked, "Why don't you use them?"

Chapter 119 Why Don't You Use Them 1

Chapter 119 Why Don't You Use Them 2


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