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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 171

Chapter 17 I Need Your Cherishing

Viola had known him for a long time. Although Orlando had acted hurt several times before, this was the first time Viola had seen him cry so sadly.

Was he really hurt?

Viola sighed helplessly, and her tone softened a little. “We agreed it was only an act, You took it seriously?”

Orlando didn‘t reply. He lowered his eyes, and he looked fragile.

Yes, he took it seriously. And he took her seriously.

But in the end, reality slapped him in the face and broke his heart.

Viola had nothing to say. She must always keep hier head clear so she wouldu‘t make wrong decisions.

A show was only a show. The fake would remain lake. She never confused the real with the fake.

Besides, was Orlando trying to make her comfort him?


Moreover, she didn‘t know how to comfort people.

Viola turned and left after she coldly said, “Hurry up and clean. I‘m going to sleep.”

However, right after Viola took one step forward, her wrist was grabbed by Orlando from behind.

With exhaustion on her face, Viola said, “Let go of me. I‘m tired. I want to sleep.”

Orlando did not move. He looked at Viola with red puppy eyes.

“Viola… Could you please give me some love and care occasionally… My heart hurts.”

Orlando said in a trembling and pleading voice. He swallowed and gripped Viola‘s wrist tightly.

Viola stiffened, and she stood still.

Would it hurt?

The answer was positive.

But when these words came out of Orlando‘s mouth, they sounded strange.

“Funny. I‘ve been hurt and disappointed countless times. That‘s why I choose to let go. I‘ve experienced your pain. Since you feel hurt, you should let go of me as soon as possible. What I said to Jerry today is also for you.”

With that, Viola forced open Orlando‘s hand and entered the villa without looking back

But Viola did not close the door this time, Orlando watched her walk up to the third floor and finally disappear around the corner.

Viola was right. He broke her heart first.

Now he was only suffering what Viola had suffered.

He deserved it.

Orlando wasted no more time. He got a broom from the back garden and carefully swept the fallen leaves off the garden.

The night in late autumn was biting cold.

Orlando was only wearing a thin white shirt, and his face was expressionless and pale. Even though he was doing chores with a wooden broom, Orlando still looked dignified.

In the room on the third floor, Viola didn‘t turn on the lights.

She stood quietly behind the window and watched coldly and thoughtfully,

After watching for a few minutes, Viola looked away indifferently and went to sleep.

When Orlando finished cleaning the yard, it was already two in the morning.

Because he had been staying in the cold wind for hours with only a thin shirt on, he had a cold the next day.

The moment Viola woke up, she heard a cough from downstairs.

After washing up and putting on makeup, Viola went downstairs and saw the tall man bustling in the kitchen and the steaming breakfast on the table.

Orlando knew that Vjola usually woke up at this time, so he would cover his mouth with his fist before he coughed.

Viola stood on the stairs and saw his thoughtful actions. She pursed her lips and did not say anything. She quietly walked down the stairs.


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