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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 176

Chapter 176 Spend the Night at the Police Station

Viola turned around and glared at the person.

It was Jerry who had stopped her.

“Viola, you can‘t lynch him for this. Since I‘llal the scene, I should take him back to Washington Police Station for interrogation.” Jerry narrowed luis eyes.

“He wants to liurt my face with sulfuric acid, I‘m just lighting back, can‘t 1?”

Viola‘s voice was cold and she tried to withdraw her hand,

“He should be punished for hurting someone. But if you hurt him again, you will be punished, too. Don‘t forget that you are in a bar. Even if you clear out the customers, there are staff watching. All of them are witnesses.”

Viola was slightly startled, and she sneered.

“But what‘s done is done. What are you going to do?”

Jerry was stunned for a long time before he said, “I can pretend that I didn‘t see it and help you clean up the scene, but you have to stop. Orlando is just your servant and your pet. You don‘i have to get yourself into trouble for him.”

Jerry‘s words shocked Viola greatly.

“If Orlando didn‘t go in front of me, it would be my face to be hurt, and you still want to say that?”

Jerry was choked.

Viola forcefully shook off his hand and stared at him in disbelief. “Jerry Felton, I don‘t think i know you anymore.”

Jerry‘s pupils trembled. He felt hurt. He silently took a step back, no longer stopping Viola.

“Come on, let‘s carry on,” Viola said as she squatted in front of that man with a cold smile on her face.

“No… Don‘t…”

Viola ignored his begging and once again aimed at the back of his left hand and raised the bottle high.


Just as she was about to smash it down, someone at the door called her to stop again.

It was Brian, captain of Division 3. He rushed over with a team of policemen.

“Hello, Mr. Felton.”

Brian firsi saw Jerry when he rushed in and greeted him. Jerry was expressionless and then Brian stepped forward to snatch the bolile from Viold.

He let out a hiss when he saw the miserable man on the ground.

What a ruthless woman, he thought.

Brian observed Jerry and found that Jerry‘s face was ugly green and had no intention of helping. “Ms. Zumthor, we received a call saying that someone was causing trouble in the bar. Please go with us,” Brian said.

Viola smiled and said in a soft voice, “He poured sulfuric acid on me and hurt my person. I’m just paying him back I didn‘t mean to do it this hard.”

Brian looked at the inan’s half face that was scratched by the glass bottle and swallowed subconsciously.


She says she didn‘t mean it?

Brian said in a serious tone, “Ms. Zumthor, you have to go to the police station with us first no matter what the exaci situation is. Just come with us.”

Viola blinked her beautiful eyes. “I‘m fine with the investigating and questioning. But how long will it take?”

“I’m not sure,” Brian replied as he handculled her. “It depends on whether you have committed any crime.”

The other policemen stepped forward and handcuffed Toby and Vincciit.

“Jerry, they are taking Viola away! You can‘t just sit by and watch! Jerry!” Jennifer ran out when she heard the sound and pulled Jerry.

Jerry didn‘t speak, and he stared at Viola‘s back as she was taken away.

Jennifer couldn‘t get Jerry to move. She wanted to step forward to stop the policemen but was stopped by Jerry‘s men. In the end, she could only watch as Viola got into the police car.

Orlando woke up after a few hours of unconsciousness due to the exhaustion of his body.

The wound on his back had already been bandaged and treated. The doctor felt sorry seeing Orlando‘s muscular body get so weak so in addition to the anti–inflammatories, a bag of nutrient fluids was added to Orlando‘s IV.

When Orlando woke up in the ward, it was already late at night. Jimmy and Tyler had fallen asleep on the accompanying bed beside him.

He looked around the room and didn‘t see the person that could reassure him.


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