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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 306

Chapter 306 Let‘s Battle

She did not say anything. Seeing that, Ormand frowned even more. “Viola?”

Viola came back to her senses and explained with a serious expression, “He has some secret. I just feel that there is something wrong with him. But 1 sent the potion he gave me to the lab tonight, and the potion worked. He may indeed know something about your cure.”

“He gave you the potion. What conditions did you agree to with him?”

“Bail him out and give him back his freedom.”

“That‘s it?” Ormand asked in disbelief.

“Yes. I don‘t know what he is up to. But he is alone and without help now. I don‘t think he can manage to stir up trouble.”

Viola secretly clenched her fists and changed the topic, “Orin, it‘s very late. Let‘s go to sleep. We can get back to these later.”

“If he does know something about Super 404‘s antidote, he has my life. With such huge leverage, all he wants is to be bailed out?” Ormand‘s face was serious. He didn‘t let her get to him.

“L…” Viola lowered her eyes to hide the unnaturalness within and smiled. “How would I know? Maybe he has other plans, and he hasn‘t told me yet.”

Jerry did have two other conditions.

Once she told Ormand, Ormand would turn them down firmly. He would never take the potion Jerry brought.

Besides, Viola needed to think about a way to dangle with Jerry. She wanted to dig out more useful information from Jerry and try to find the whereabouts of the antidote.

Seeing that Ormand still wanted to ask for more, she rubbed her shoulders lazily, her eyes full of exhaustion. “It‘s been a busy day. I’m so sleepy. Orin, can we talk about it later? I‘m going to bed.”

“Viola…” Ormand wanted to know more.

Viola cupped his face and kissed his thin lips seriously, as she always did.

“Be good. Orin, good night.”

Ormand gave in. He lowered his eyelashes and said listlessly, “Good night.”

Viola said, “Go to sleep. I will go to the room next door after you go to sleep.”


He tucked himself into bed and closed his eyes.

Viola quietly watched his sleeping face for a while. When his breathing gradually became steady, she helped him turn off the lights, closed the door, and returned to the next room.

The moment she left, Ormand, who was on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

His pitch–black eyes stared at the ceiling, calm and emotionless.

Viola wasn‘t a good liar. None of her movements could trick him.

He thought, judging from the way she acted tonight, there must be something else. She is hiding something from me.

The more she refuses to tell me, the more it proves that Jerry wants something else.

She has been suffering a lot for me. Seeing her like that makes my heart ache.

She doesnt want to tell me. Its fine. I wont ask her anymore. I can find out about it myself!

As he was thinking, the sound of the door closing came from the next room.

Although the sound wasn‘t loud, it was obvious on this quiet night.

Ormand immediately sat up on the bed and closed the balcony doors and windows carefully. Then he called Todd.

Todd had just fallen asleep, yet he was woken up by Ormand‘s call. He felt the urge to cry

“Mr. Hobson, can you tell me your instructions in one go? You called me every few hours, and you called three times in one night! I can‘t take it!”

Ormand lowered his voice and said dangerously, “It seems that you are not very happy about the job.”

Todd was terrified. “No! Not at all! I‘m very happy! I‘ve decided to stay up all night and play video games! I‘m at your disposal!”

Ormand was silent for a while, and then his tone softened a little as he said, “I‘ll count you as working overtime tonight. You can go to the Finance Department to collect a double subsidy tomorrow. Is that enough?”

Todd instantly woke up, and he was so high–spirited!

“Sure! Mr. Hobson, you are the most generous leader in the world! I love you so much!”

Ormand thought, I am Violas!

No one else can have me!

Including men!

He thought, it feels wonderful!

It beats everything else in the world!

She thought, seriously?


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