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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 310

Chapter 310 Do It by Force

The entire room fell silent because of this sentence.

Todd sighed quietly.

Viola didn‘t understand. She sat down next to Ormand. “Why? You‘ve been troubled by this illness for so long. Don‘t you want to cure it and live a normal life earlier?”

Ormand didn‘t want to explain. He just grabbed her hand and clenched it tightly, looking determined.

Looking at his expression, Viola seemed to have understood something and asked Todd and Kolby out.

“I have something to say to Orin. When you go out, please close the door, but don‘t go too far.”

Todd and Kolby left tactfully.

When the room was completely silent, Viola asked, “Did you capture Jerry? Has he already told you everything?”

“Yes,” Ormand replied.

Viola sighed. She couldn‘t hide anything from Ormand!

Although he was sick, he was not easy to fool.

Viola held his hands back, saying, “Don‘t listen to him. I…”

“He wants you to break off the engagement with me and then marry him, right?” Ormand interrupted her in a cold tone.

“Orin, you know that Jerry...

“You only need to answer me. Is that true?” Ormand frowned and interrupted again.

Viola lowered her head and sighed again, “Yes.”

Ormand then lowered his head and hid the anger and killing intent in his eyes. “If you must sacrifice your future happiness in exchange for my health, I‘d rather die!”

Viola immediately covered his mouth and scolded in a low voice, “What nonsense are you talking about? You won‘t die! You‘ll recover soon.”

Ormand held her hand tightly with a serious expression.

“Viola, if the price of living is to lose you and watch you marry that Jerry, then I‘ll truly live a life worse than death!”

“Orin, living is more important than anything else. Let‘s use medicine to treat the illness first. And then we talk about something else, okay?” Viola crouched at his feet, trying to comfort him with a smile.

Ormand shook his head.

In this matter, he would never compromise.

“I won‘t inject the medicine Jerry gave me! Never!”


Ormand did not want to listen. He retreated his hand that was holding her hand and turned his head to the side. His cold face showed that he wouldn‘t agree!

Viola knew that he was stubborn. No one could change his mind if he had made a decision.

Therefore, she stopped persuading, stood up, and stared at him apologetically. “Sorry, I brought you to the laboratory today not to discuss this matter. If you don‘t want to, I can only force you to do it.”


Ormand knew what she wanted to do and tried to grab her wrist.

But Viola took two steps back to dodge.

“Todd, come in,” she shouted, turning to the door.

The door opened quickly. Todd appeared with a face full of surprise. “Ms. Zumthor, did you convince Mr. Hobson so quickly?”

“Hold him down. Don‘t let him move,” Viola said, pointing at Ormand.

“Viola!” Ormand called out to her again with a cold face.

“… Are you sure? You want to do it by force?” Todd was stunned, not daring to get in.

Viola took a deep breath and insisted, “Yes. Hold him.”

Being nervous, Todd walked into the room, but was frightened by a look from Ormand and stood in place.

“Don‘t you dare!”

“Don‘t forget who your boss is and who you should listen to!” Ormand glared at him and gritted his teeth.

Todd immediately stepped forward, held Ormand‘s hands, and asked Kolby to come in to give an injection.


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