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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 313

Chapter 313 Viola Shows Orin People’s Bad Side
Todd was standing outside the VIP room.
Todd noticed everyone had left, except for Max and Ormand who were alone inside. Todd quietly opened a crack in the door to listen to the conversation inside.
It just so happened that he heard Max’s last sentence.
He was so scared that his face turned pale. He immediately ran to the quiet corridor and called Viola to inform her!
If Viola didn’t come and Ormand was drunk, what if other women pawed him?
In the private room, Ormand sneered as he clutched Max’s neck.
“Do you think you can compete with her?”
As if hurt by that sentence, the smile on Max’s face gradually disappeared, and she was pinched until she could not breathe properly.
Ormand did not have the time to appreciate her reaction. He retracted his hand and said, “If you still want to be the spokesperson, scram immediately!”
Max covered her neck and coughed a few times. Then she picked up her bag and left. Chapter 313 Viola Shows Orin People’s Bad Side
After she left, Ormand drank several bottles of wine. Because he drank too quickly, he was so intoxicated.
He habitually took off his gloves and threw them away. He leaned back on the sofa, drunk and unconscious.
When Viola rushed over, she just happened to see Max at the entrance of Honey Bar.
Max smiled brightly and took the initiative to greet her, “Ms. McGraw, what a coincidence. You came just after the wine party ended.”
“Not really. I come to find my man.” Viola’s elegant neck slightly rose in a noble and cold posture.
She ended the sentence with a commanding tone.
Max’s expression changed slightly, and she quickly put on a smile. “I’m really envious to see how loving Mr. Hobson and Ms. McGraw are. Then I hope you can be happy until you grow
“Thank you, Ms. Max. We will.”
Viola knew she was being sarcastic, but she couldn’t guess the inside story.
Max didn’t say anything and left in her high heels.
Chapter 313 Viola Shows Orin People’s Bad Side
со встан о As she brushed past Viola, her arm was gently grabbed by Viola.
“Ms. Max, I’m a little curious about your patron. Can you tell me in private?”
Max was flattered. “Ms. McGraw, do you really want to know? As long as you give Mr. Hobson to me, I can tell you all my secrets!”
“Looks like there’s nothing else to talk about. You should just hide these secrets for the rest of your life.” Viola withdrew her hand and crossed her elegant hands.
“Hiding for a lifetime is not fun.” Max squinted and smiled, her expression innocent. “Don’t worry, Ms. McGraw. You’ll know my secret sooner or later. Don’t be too surprised then!”
She raised her eyebrows slightly, and the end of her sentence seemed to have a deeper meaning. She quickly twisted her slender waist and left.
Viola looked back at her back, her expression gradually becoming serious.
It was not until Max’s back slowly disappeared into the night that Viola stopped pondering and turned into the bar.
Todd was in a flat spin. Upon seeing Viola, he rushed over and said, “Ms. Zumthor, please don’t misunderstand! It’s just a drinking game! Ms. Max is the spokesperson, so she…”
Chapter 313 Viola Shows Orin People’s Bad Side
Carte hora o Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Viola replied curtly and walked past him, entering the private room inside.
Todd noticed she was obviously angry. He could only cross his fingers and pray for Ormand.
When Viola entered the room, her gaze was instantly drawn to a drunk Ormand on the sofa.
She walked to his side and sat down. She gently patted his face and called out tentatively, “Ormand?”
He didn’t respond. He was really drunk.
Viola smelled the alcohol all over his body, and the anger in her heart was set off wave after wave.
This restless jerk!
He hadn’t told her about the dinner. Moreover, his complications had only healed for a few days before he started making mischief!
He had even been alone with Max and got himself drunk!
He was so careless. Wasn’t he afraid that if Max hadn’t left, she would have taken advantage of him?
For the whole afternoon, even during a meeting, Viola had been absent-minded. She had been thinking about how to surprise him with a gift and make him back down. She
Chapter 313 Viola Shows Orin People’s Bad Side
intended to spice up their life.
Now, it seemed he just wouldn’t buckle!
“Ormand! Today, I will show you the bad side of humans!”
The more Viola thought about it, the angrier she got. She opened her bag and took out the newly bought waterproof lipstick. Her beautiful eyes flashed slyly.
She undid all the buttons of Ormand’s shirt and exposed his perfect abs.
She took the lipstick and wrote a few words on his chest.
She then applied it on her lips and kissed him on the neck and belly.
On his healthy, honey-colored skin were red and sexy lips prints, which were particularly eye-catching.
His handsome face was so enchanting. With the lipstick marks all over his body, he looked even sexier.
He deserved to be taught a lesson!
As if feeling that it wasn’t enough, Viola left another lipstick print on his left cheek.
Then, Viola quietly admired the fruits of her labor.
Chapter 313 Viola Shows Orin People’s Bad Side
She was quite satisfied!
Ormand, prepare to take my ultimate move!
She left the private room, walked to Todd, leaned close to his ear, and whispered a few words, “In a while, you will say this…”
“It’s not good, is it? If he knows I helped you lie to him, he will kill me!”
Recently, Todd learned the truth.
It was that a man should not offend a woman, especially not a scheming woman like Viola.
Ormand was innocent but was about to be schemed against!
Viola patted Todd’s shoulder. “I have your back. You won’t die!”
Todd was confused and anxious.
“Go! Don’t be afraid! Don’t you want to appreciate his reaction?”
Todd’s wickedness was awakened by Viola, and he held the door handle of the private room, breathing deeply.
After calming himself down, Todd rushed into the private
Chapter 313 Viola Show Orin People’s Rad Side
Even though Todd was mentally prepared, he was still frightened by the bright red lipstick marks on Ormand.
“Sir, wake up!” Todd said, shaking Ormand.
Ormand’s eyes were blurry as he looked at Todd drunkenly.
“Sir, wake up! Something big is going to happen! Look at it yourself!” Todd tapped open his phone and turned on its front-facing camera to use it as a mirror.
Ormand was sleepy, but when he saw the words on his chest, he instantly woke up!
He looked down and didn’t know when his clothes had been lifted.
The slight chill wrapped around the bright red lip prints on his body, making him tremble.
“What words are these? Who did this!”
Todd read them to him, “It writes, ‘Mr. Hobson, I’m very happy tonight. See you next time.’ Mr. Hobson, the last person to leave the private room is Ms. Max.”
Todd immediately covered his mouth in surprise, his face full of horror. “Oh, no! Mr. Hobson, were you…? My goodness! There are lip prints on your face, too!”
Chapter 313 Viola Shows Orin Peoole’s Bod Side
Ormand recalled that when Max had gone out, she had been quite well-behaved.
Could it be that Ormand had drunk too much and forgotten about things?
“Damn! I … am dirty?”
Ormand felt horrible!
Not only that, but he realized he didn’t feel repelled by Max’s actions.
But Max had done something awful!
Ormand was not disgusted at all!
Ormand could not breathe properly and almost fainted.
He was finished! Not only was he dirty, but he also had a crush on another woman!
He let Viola down!
Just as Ormand was about to smash the wall in anger, Viola’s anxious voice came from outside the corridor.
Chapter 313 Viola Shows Orin People’s Bad Side


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