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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 329

Chapter 329 This Trip Is Harder Than She Imagined

Jamie did not refute and explained, “It’s the first time that Ms. McGraw has visited Lisbon. You don’t know much about this place. We did this for your safety.”

Viola didn’t care about it. Viola originally didn’t have the mood to go shopping, let alone go sightseeing in Portugal.

She was more concerned about when Jerry would appear. “When is your master planning to meet me?” she asked.

“I think he will come after you have lunch.”

After Jamie finished speaking, he winked at the other two bodyguards behind him. They immediately walked over, wanting to frisk Todd.

“What are you doing?” Todd was cautious.

Viola took a step forward, blocking the two bodyguards and asking, “What does your master mean? He doesn’t believe me, or is he afraid that I will do something that will harm Portugal?”

Jamie explained, “Ms. McGraw, please tell your bodyguard to cooperate with us. Since you have come to Portugal, it is inevitable to check if there are any controlled knives and guns.”

“We were frisked before boarding the plane. There is no need to do it again,” Viola sneered.

“Sorry, please cooperate with our work.”

Jamie no longer explained. The other two bodyguards quickly went forward to frisk Todd.

Viola was a woman, so they didn’t dare to frisk her. They called a maid to frisk her.

Of course, they didn’t find anything. Jamie opened their suitcases. There was an exquisite little drone in Viola’s suitcase, which caught Jamie’s attention.

Jamie was about to bend down and pick it up to examine it carefully, but Viola stopped him.

“Be careful! That is a small toy Bobby gave me before. It is not cheap. If it is damaged, even your master can’t afford it, let alone you!”

Jamie was stunned and could only take back his hand.

After searching for no dangerous items, Jamie had the bodyguard take all the communication equipment in the suitcase.

They took away a notebook, Bluetooth earpieces, and a pen with a recording function. As long as they were electronic

equipment, Jamie took them out. In the end, Jamie even demanded that Viola and Todd’s mobile phones be confiscated. They even confiscated Todd’s electronic watch.

Viola couldn’t take it anymore. Her cold eyes narrowed. “In this era, without a phone is equivalent to losing a sense of security. Isn’t it too much for him to do this?”

This time, Jamie was unmoved. After bowing deeply, he said, “Ms. McGraw, please forgive us. We are following orders. When my master comes, you can ask him yourself.”

“Get out. I need to rest.”

Since there was no room for discussion, there was no need to be polite to Jamie. Viola asked Todd to drive all the people out.

Todd slammed the door shut.

The two of them stood behind the thin white curtains and watched quietly.

Outside the small apartment, Jamie left two bodyguards to guard the door and left alone in a Bentley.

In addition to the two bodyguards, there was also a maid who was cleaning the yard.

While Viola was observing the situation outside the door, Todd hadn’t been idle.

Todd skillfully checked the bottom of the tables, corners of the beds, ceiling lights, and vases in all the rooms. Finally, he found several small spying devices and put them on the table.

After Viola finished observing, she closed the window and locked it before walking over to sit on the sofa and playing with a spying device.

“What a cunning man! He even wants to monitor a woman’s bedroom. What a pervert! Scum!”

At the end of her sentence, Viola smashed the device in her hand.

Todd intercepted it midway and firmly held it in his hands.

“Don’t throw it away yet. I still remember the location. I will put them back after we finish talking. Jerry is a smart and suspicious person. Even if you argue with him, he will agree on the surface and find other ways to secretly monitor us.”

Viola nodded and calmly organized her thoughts. “Open the suitcase and check how many things have been confiscated.”

Todd immediately pushed the suitcase over.

Those people were very vigilant when they did things. They left only a few things, including the tiny drone that Bobby had sent a long time ago.

In the past, Viola did not know the mystery of this drone. She even disliked it. A few days ago, she found out that this was a new type of small bomb. It needed a unique operation to detonate it.

The shell of the small drone was made of a special material that no inspection facilities could detect.

For Bobby, the world’s number one captain, making it was just a piece of cake.

Viola gently stroked the emerald ring on her right hand. Her eyebrows were serious and she fell into deep thought.


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