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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 344

Chapter 344 Viola Vomits in Front of Everyone

Jerry was smiling as he stared at Viola with affection.

Viola turned to the side and did not look at him.

Being forced to put on his coat, Viola was not warm but felt cold all over her body.

She took off the suit jacket and handed it back to him. “The banquet will begin soon. You still have to go on stage later, so put it on yourself. The heater is on in the hall. I’m not cold.”

Jerry looked at her, and asked in surprise and excitement, “Are you showing concern for me?”

She frowned slightly, lowered her head to hide the disgust and anger in her eyes, and directly stuffed the suit jacket into his hand.

Jerry accepted it and obediently put on his coat.

“That’s great. I’m looking forward to our future life,” Jerry said with a smile.

Viola pursed her lips and ignored him. When she thought of the plan later, she secretly gritted her teeth.

The large banquet hall was filled with nobles.

The violinists suddenly changed the tune. The lights suddenly dimmed, only the candles on the long table shining.

The spotlight was turned on at that moment, and everyone’s eyes were focused on the rotating stairs.

Cart Shorwa o Cristina stood on the highest step of the stairs. She was wearing a noble and elegant golden dress, showing a smile on her face as she waved elegantly at everyone in the hall.

Tonight’s banquet was held by her, and she was also the only protagonist.

As she appeared, everyone applauded and praised her.

With the flattery from the crowd, Cristina held the marble balustrade and slowly walked down the steps.

The spotlight followed her all the way to the opposite platform.

The microphone was placed in the middle of the high platform. Cristina gently raised her hand, and all the applause and exclamations stopped.

Viola watched casually, quietly listening to Cristina making the necessary speech officially. From time to time, she would applaud along with the crowd.

“Actually, I invited everyone to have fun tonight because I have something important to announce.” Cristina looked around the crowd before finally looking at Jerry and Viola.

Following her gaze, the spotlight shifted to Viola and Jerry.

Jerry immediately held Viola’s hand.

Viola reacted instinctively. She wanted to pull her hand out, but this time, he held her tightly, not giving her a chance to struggle.

Being watched by everyone, Viola quickly came back to her senses.

With a polite smile on her face, she turned her subconscious struggle into shyness.

The crowd consciously made way for the red carpet in the middle, allowing Jerry to pull Viola towards the stage.

On the stage, Cristina continued to announce, “My adopted son, Carlos, will hold a wedding ceremony in the church in seven days with Viola, who comes from the United States!”

A warm round of applause sounded.

Jerry let go of Viola’s hand and hugged Cristina, showing his deep love for his mother.

Back then, the matter of Cristina getting pregnant before the engagement was concealed by the royal family. In addition, Cristina was the only sister of the current king, and the most respected woman in Portugal.

Even if someone saw that Jerry looked like Cristina, they would not dare doubt Jerry’s true identity.

While everyone was praising Jerry for his good fortune, Miguel was sitting and drinking alone.

At this time, everyone’s eyes were attracted by the spotlight. No one saw his dark face and his eyes filled with anger.

Byron, who was next to him, supported his chin with one hand and stared at Viola on the stage with a sad expression, sighing silently.

On the stage…

Chapter 344 Viola Vomits in Front of Everyone

After hugging Cristina, Jerry took the microphone from her hands and said.


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