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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 355

Chapter 355 Fatten Me Up Before Eating Me

Waiting for the wedding day was exceptionally torturous.

Viola muddled through the last two days.

On the night before the wedding, Jerry had someone send the wedding dress to the small


She touched the expensive wedding dress in front of her and felt it was ironic.

This was the first time she had a wedding and the second time she wore a wedding dress.

She originally thought that she would never have the chance to wear it again in her life, but she never thought that this time, she wouid marry a man she did not love.

“Viola, do you like it? I asked the most famous designer in Portugal to make it in a week. This is the only one in the world.” Jerry stood at the door and stared at her quietly.

“What is it?” Viola withdrew her hand that was stroking the wedding gowni and sat down beside thie

bed with a calm expression.

“These past few days, I have been taking care of Todd as I promised you. The injuries on his body have mostly healed. You don’t have to worry about him.”

Viola breathed a sigh of relief and did not say anything

Jerry explained the process to her, “After the wedding ceremony is officially held, I will put Todd out of the dungeon. Then when we spend a good niglit together, I will get someone to hand scrum over to Todd and send him back to the United States overnight.”

“Got it.”

She was expressionless and lifted the quilt. “Go back to Alez Palace. I’m sleepy. I want to sleep.”

“Alright, then I won’t disturb you. Good night, Viola.”

Viola ignored him. He helped her close the door and left the small apartment.

The moment he left, Viola sat up from the bed and stared at the small plane that Bobby had given her before. It was placed on the dresser.

Tomorrow night, after confirming that Todd had obtained the serum, Viola would make a move.

Il Jerry wanted to have sex with her, she was going to die with him!

All of this was about to end!

The same night.

Someone held a special amnesty and silently entered the dungeon.

When Todd was sleeping in a daze, he heard the sound of the cell door opening.

Aman dressed as a guard walked in.

Todd sat up immediately and narrowed luis eyes vigilantly. “That bastard can’t wait any longer and wants you to kill me in secret?”

The guard took out the amnesty order from his pocket and handed it to him. Then he said in Portuguese, “You have been released. I am here to take you away.”

Looking carefully at the amnesty order, Todd was confused. “Why did Miguel release me?”

The guard did not explain. He took the key to untie the heavy anklet for him. “Let’s go. You’ll know the answer soon.”

Helped up by the guard, Todd walked out of the cell with heavy steps.

In the past few days, Jerry had found a doctor to apply medicine to Todd, but the doctor had not used any good medicine. After that, Todd felt extremely painful. Besides, his wound was also constantly bleeding.

After six to seven days of torment, the injuries on his body only recovered a little.

The guard was the first to walk in front. He glanced back from the corner of his eye. It seemed like Todd had not recovered from his injuries. Todd walked very slowly and was far behind him.

Then the guard quickly ran back to support him.

“Thank you,” said Todd.

When they passed by the cell next door, Todd stopped and asked the guard, “The one locked in this cell is a girl. Can I ask Miguel to let me take her away from here?”


The guard showed a troubled expression.

Todd continued to explain in Portuguese, “She shouldn’t have committed any crime. She was

involved in a multinational trafficking case. According to the rules in Portugal, prostitutes must be twenty years old. She is not twenty yet. I guess they didn’t want to pay her living expenses for this month, so they sent her here.”

“Then I will contact the Duke, if it is really as you said it should be no problem for you to take her



The guard took out his mobile phone and asked Miguel while Todd was waiting in the corridor of the cell.


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