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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 357

Chapter 357 You Can’t Have Her Either

This voice was familiar!

Viola’s eyes instantly turned red as she looked outside in surprise.

Ormand walked in solemnly with snow on his dark black coat.

Behind him was Todd, who also looked serious.

Immediately after, two armies with different military uniforms entered with guns orderly. They immediately surrounded the entire church.

The guests were frightened and the scene began to bustle.

Jerry glared at the man at the end of the red carpet. He didn’t hide the hatred in his eyes as he gritted his teeth and said, “Good timing, Ormand. So, you are here to disrupt, right?”

Ormand’s face was cold and he put on a mocking smile. “Someone with ill intentions had kidnapped

my fiancée and taken her to a foreign country to forcc her to marry him. What a scene! Of course, I

have to take my woman away!”

Jerry clenched his fists, his eyes full of hatred.

All the guests there were nobles invited by Cristina. Although Jerry and Ormand talked in English, many people could understand it.

The crowd exploded because of their conversation. They looked back and forth between the two men and whispered to each other,

Cristina was extremely embarrassed. Just as she was about to help Jerry explain and salvage the situation, Ormand said first, “Everyone, I’m only here to deal with the groom today. I won’t harm innocent people. Todd, send the guests out!”

In less than five minutes, all the nobles on the scene were driven out, and even the priests on the stage were carried away.

In the huge Florence Cathedral, only Ormand’s people, Jerry, Viola, and Cristina stayed.

All of them were intense.

“Do you really think that I didn’t prepare anything?” Jerry glared at Ormand and gnashed his teeth.

The moment his voice fell, Cristina got up and clapped her hands.

At the small door next to the Priest Stage, a team of guards with guns suddenly rushed out. The number of guards was the same as the number of Ormand’s people.

The two sides raised their guns and confronted each other, and the air was getting heavier.

“Orin!” Viola looked at the troops on both sides and worriedly looked at Ormand. She wanted to run

to Ormand, but Jerry grabbed her wrist.

Ormand’s gaze was fixed on the hand Jerry was holding onto Viola, and his dark eyes were filled with dense hostility

“Look carefully. Mr. Hobson’s armies are not only from the United States. One of them is from your country. Mr. Hobson is the leader of the National Bureau of Investigation of the states. He should be your guest of honor. If your guards dare to lay a finger on him, I am afraid that your king won’t let you go.”

Cristina’s face turned ugly green, but she was determined. “I’m only defending myself. If you dare to hurt Jerry, then don’t blame my people for getting back at you!”

“It’s not your call whether he lives!” Ormand sneered.

He looked at Viola on the platform and reached out his hands. “Viola, come here.”

When Viola saw Ormand open his arms to her, she immediately prized Jerry’s fingers from her wrist, lifted her skirt, and ran towards Ormand who was standing at the end of the red carpet.

Jerry looked at his empty palın and was dazed.

Cristina, on the other hand, was furious.

She couldn’t stand that someone broke into her most beloved son’s wedding and took away the bride, and the bride actually wanted to run away with another man. Ormand was humiliating the royal family and her son!

Cristina couldn’t kill Ormand, but she thought she would kill Viola, the woman who wanted to have two men at the same time.

She immediately ordered the guard closest to her to aim at Viola, and quietly shot her.

“Watch out!”

Jerry was the first to notice and he immediately body-blocked Viola.

By the time Cristina told the guard to stop, the guard had already pulled the trigger.

Then came a deafening gunshot.

Viola had just reached the middle of the red carpet when she heard the gunshot. She stopped and turned around.


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