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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 387

Chapter 387 She Turns Him On
Ormand immediately turned grim.
“Do you think that you drowned when you were fifteen? And someone pushed you into the water?”
Viola nodded. “After that, I lost my memory. When I married you, you deliberately worked overtime at the company and didn‘t come back. And that night, Anaya came to me and said a lot of horrible things. Before I reacted, she pushed me into the pool from behind. My head hit the coral, and I happened to recover my memory.”
When she mentioned what happened three years ago, Ormand felt a pain in his heart and a sense of guilt. He hugged her tighter.
Viola didn‘t notice his feelings and continued to say, “But I really can‘t remember anything about what happened to me. Occasionally, there would be some broken pictures in my mind if I got stimulated. But I can‘t figure them out.”
Ormand thought about it carefully and suggested.
“Viola, could it be that you were injected with some medicine that caused you to lose your memory?”
“That was possible.”
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She placed her hand on her chest and quietly felt it for a while. Then, she turned around and snuggled up in Ormand‘s arms.
“Orin, I‘ve been having nightmares recently. I keep feeling flustered, as if something is about to happen.”
Ormand also became nervous.
He comforted Viola. “Maybe it‘s because you‘ve been too tired from work, and you‘re under much pressure. Don‘t think too much about it. Why don‘t you take a few days off to relax?”
“I shouldn‘t. I have a lot of work to do. If I don‘t finish it, I feel uncomfortable.”
She left Ormand‘s arms and lay on his cross–legged legs. She brushed her hair to the side, revealing part of her beautiful back and white neck. Her hands were crossed and she rested lazily with her head on them.
Her voice was sweet. “Orin, I had a nightmare. My body is limp. Please stroke my shoulders. I want some massage.”
Ormand was stunned. He looked at her who was lying on her stomach from head to toe, especially her sexy…
His Adam‘s apple moved up and down.
He started to heat up.
“Do you know how sexy you are?” he asked in a hoarse voice as Chapter 387 Sha Turns Minion
he bent down and leaned close to Viola.
Viola turned around and looked at him. She raised her eyebrows playfully. “You get excited?”
Ormand tucked her hair behind her ears and sighed softly, “My future wife is lying on my lap. How can I not get excited?”
“Massage my shoulders now. Be focused! If you don‘t serve me well, you‘ll be punished!” She lightly snorted and closed her
eyes in a comfortable and playful manner.
Ormand stared at her side face, silently conveying his complaints.
He thought, it‘s mean of her to let me control myself after she turned me on.
How could a man be willing to stand that?
He was grinding his teeth secretly.
“Be quick. Go to sleep after you‘re done,” Viola urged him suddenly.
Ormand‘s fierce expression disappeared instantly. Instead, he obediently massaged her shoulders.
Ever since Viola was pregnant, she had been less strong. She often felt tired, weak, and sore all over.
A few days ago, Ormand went to learn massage from an expert.
He pressed her muscles with his slender fingers neither lightly nor heavily. His massage technique was excellent. Soon Viola fell asleep on his lap.
He called out her name softly.
After confirming that the woman on his lap had really fallen asleep, he finally dared to pat her little butt to relieve his hands. He patted and stroked her to reward himself for massaging her for half an hour.
Viola, who was in his arms, suddenly moved and let out an uncomfortable moan.
Ormand immediately took back his hands and carefully adjusted the position. He wrapped her with the quilt tightly and fell asleep contentedly.
The next morning.
Viola woke up early. Due to Rebecca, the opening ceremony had been ruined, and the plan had been influenced.
After discussion, it was changed to today.
She used cosmetics that were suitable for pregnant women and put on light makeup that was appropriate for work. She quickly
went out after breakfast.
Without Rebecca making a fuss, today‘s opening ceremony went smoothly.
It only took two hours to complete the entire process.
At noon, Viola returned to the Angle Group, planning to take a nap.
Just a few minutes after she lay down, Rayna knocked on the door anxiously.
“Ms. McGraw, have you seen the news? We get in trouble!”
Rayna looked so anxious, and Viola who immediately sobered up quickly checked the iPad.
Jason was on the trending topic!
However, this time it was hard to deal with. If it was not handled properly, it would destroy Jason‘s career, and even hit the share price of the Angle Group.
Many photos of Jason were leaked and spread on the Internet. They were photos of Jason sleeping in bed with the upper part of his body naked. Beside him was an unknown blurred woman.
The women in each photo were different.
These pictures were circulated on the Internet. They caused quite a stir.
It almost paralyzed the website.
Jason was only nineteen years old this year. He was just too young. If he was labeled as a promiscuous person, his entire life would be ruined.
Luckily, it had been only an hour since the thing happened.
They had time to save it.
“Ms. McGraw, what should we do? The public relations department is already trying to delete the news. Now people are shouting for Jason to say something.
“But I just called the agents, and they lost contact with Jason. No one knows where he is and whether the thing on the Internet is true or false.
“Damn! Jason is one of the top male actors in our Angel Corps. I can‘t imagine what will happen if he‘s down!”
Rayna clutched her hair and almost cried.
But Viola was still glancing at the trending topics about Jason. She was silent.
“Ms. McGraw, please say something.”
Viola was calm. “The Barnett family is very strict. Although Jason likes to stir up trouble, he is not so lecherous. He won‘t sleep with prostitutes. I trust him.”
“But I have already found someone to verify the photos that were spread online. They are real and not made up. If he didn‘t do it, no one would force him to do it, right?”
Viola looked up at her, “In the name of the company, we announce that I trust Jason and the Angle Group will stand with him! Let everyone wait patiently for the truth.”
Rayna did not dare to go, “Ms. McGraw, please think about it. If we really make a statement like this and we don‘t handle it properly, it will completely destroy our company!”
“I know what I‘m doing. Just do as I say,” Viola said. She didn‘t hesitate.
Unable to persuade her, Rayna had no choice but to leave the office and ask the public relations department to follow Viola‘s instructions.
Rayna just went out, and in a few minutes, she came in again.
“Ms. McGraw, someone from the Barnett family comes over and wants to see you immediately.”


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