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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 393

Chapter 393 Something Big Happens

An hour later.

All kinds of topics and opinions about Jason on the Internet had been deleted.

The official punishment notice given by the National Bureau of Investigation clarified the matter of the nude photos. As it turned out, Jason was just drunk and was being photographed for extortion.

The fans of Jason on the Internet saw this news and instantly became furious.

“I told you. How could Jason do such a thing? Those people are jealous of what he achieved!”

“Great. Those keyboard warriors who don‘t know the truth, come out and apologize!”

Viola was sitting in the car back to Viorin, looking at the new top searches on her phone. She was very satisfied with the result.

When she thought of Michael, Viola personally called Michael the next day as soon as she arrived at Angle Group.

She was ready to explain it to Michael properly. Chapter 393 Something Big Happens

Viola said that Jason’s schedule was full recently, so Jason

would probably not be able to return to Washington for a while.

Michael couldn’t do anything, so he could only give up resentfully.

After dealing with the troublesome matters, Viola lay back in her office chair and let out a long sigh.

She only relaxed her mind for two seconds, and soon continued to be highly vigilant.

She was going back to the McGraw’s house tomorrow. She didn’t know what kind of trap was in front of her. She had to make some preparations early.

Thinking of this, she called her second brother, Bentley.

The call was quickly connected.

Viola cut straight to the point. “Bentley, I seem to have

forgotten something from 15 years ago. Do you have any

psychotropic drugs that can make me remember?”

Bentley had always been calm and collected, but when he heard

her words, he rarely argued, “You have two babies in your belly! How dare you ask me to give you drugs? Haven’t you considered your babies?”


“I’m just asking. I know you always have a way to help me.” Viola blushed with shame.

“There’s no other way. Psychotropic drugs or treatment methods are not suitable for your current physical condition. The damage is great.”

After thinking about it, he felt that she was not such a careless person. He asked, “What important thing did you forget?”

Viola nodded. “It is very important.” It was related to the beginning and end of all the years that she had been constantly harmed.

Bentley sighed, “Viola, nothing is more important than the babies right now.”

She touched her belly and sighed softly. Just as she was about to share her recent doubts with Bentley, the office door was suddenly knocked.

The knocking was rapid.

Outside the door, it was Jimmy. His tone was anxious. He seemed to be crying. “Ms. Zumthor! Something big has happened!”

Before Viola could hang up, she heard Jimmy continue outside

the door, “Mr. McGraw suddenly fell down the stairs this

afternoon! Please come back with me and take a look!”

As soon as Jimmy said this, Bentley immediately hung up the call.

She guessed that Bentley should have just learned it too.

Viola did not hesitate. She immediately packed up her things and rushed back to Adain Mountain, heading straight to Willard‘s villa on the top of the mountain.

Joseph knew that she was coming back and was already waiting outside the gate. His wrinkled eyes were also red. It was obvious that he had just cried.

Viola frowned and asked Joseph as she walked into the villa.


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