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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 428

Chapter 428 Bentley Has a Girlfriend

Viola giggled and felt a sweetness in her heart.

However, she still asked Ormand to see their babies.

“Hurry up and go. I also want to see my babies.”

Ormand had no idea but to get up and walk towards the nurse.

The nurse offered to introduce to him, “Mr. Hobson, this is your elder son, and this is your daughter.”

Ormand only glanced at them for a moment, then he frowned and asked incredulously, “Are they really the babies of Viola and me?”

“Of course, you are in the delivery room and see the babies were born. There wouldn’t be a mistake.”

The nurses laughed.

Ormand, on the other hand, had a serious expression on his face.

He thought, Viola and I are both good–looking. Why are the babies so ugly?

Their skin is red and wrinkled. They are not cute at all.

Could it be that the virus in my body affected the babies?

The more Ormand thought, the more serious he looked.

The nurse held the babies and smiled happily, “Mr. Hobson, the babies are so good. Do you want to hold them?”


Ormand left without looking back and went to continue to be with Viola.

When Viola saw him come over, she grabbed his hand and looked at him expectantly. “Ormand, are the babies beautiful?”

Ormand was speechless.

“What’s wrong? Is there any problem with the babies?” Noticing that Ormand looked upset, Viola was suspicious.

Ormand could only change the topic. “No. Don’t worry about them for now. Have a good rest. You’ll be transferred to the normal ward soon.”

Seeing his expression, Viola felt that something was wrong. She said, “Get the babies here. I want to see them.”

“Do you really want to see them?” Ormand asked uncertainly.

Viola nodded solemnly, and the uneasiness in her heart grew stronger. “Hurry up.”

Ormand had no choice but to walk towards the nurse and take the two babies.

When Ormand walked back to Viola’s bed, he reminded her seriously, “Viola, you have to prepare psychologically. The babies might be different from what you thought.”

“Don’t waste time.” Viola became more confused after hearing the words.

Ormand bent down and placed the two babies next to her pillow.

Viola looked at the babies beside her.

She felt they were so cute.

“They are so cute. Orin, do you want to give me a surprise, so you deliberately say the words just now?”

Viola was very excited, and her eyes were full of tears. She loved the two babies so much that she even felt that it was worth it to have a hard pregnancy.

Viola had a sense of achievement to be able to bring such two cute babies into the world.

“Orin, look, they look like us. They are our babies.”

Ormand followed her gaze and looked at the two babies again.

This time, Ormand felt that the babies were pleasing to the eyes. Maybe it was because they were his children.

Ormand leaned over and kissed Viola’s forehead, which was covered in sweat. His eyes were full of pity. “Viola, thank you for giving me two cute babies.”

The two of them looked at each other with deep love in their eyes.

The delivery was very successful. After Viola rested for a while, she was transferred to the normal ward.

Bentley, Russell, and the others quickly ran over. The originally wide VIP ward was instantly filled with people.

A group of people surrounded the two babies in the crib, discussing extremely intensely.

Todd said, “The baby boy looks a bit like Ormand.”


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