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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 433

Chapter 433 Me or My Identity?

Russell noticed that Warren kept glancing at the rearview mirror, and Russell’s sharp eyes swept over.

Warren instantly chickened out and helped to lower the partition.

This was not what Warren should look at!

Russell waved his hand and slapped her twice again, but his strength did not decrease.

It hurt!

Sherlyn was beaten until tears welled up in her eyes, her upper body lying on his lap, her waist pressed down by his palm, unable to move.

After being stunned for two seconds, she finally reacted. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her heart hurt.

“Russell, you… You dare to beat me!”

Russell sighed and explained seriously, “I’m teaching my girl to be disobedient. It is built on the basis that I love you. You are unreasonable. I can only punish you like this to make you know what you are doing!”

“But what right do you have to punish me?” Sherlyn bit her lips with tears in her eyes.

Russell heard her voice with a hint of crying. Russell stroked her butt with his big palm and gently rubbed it.

“You said you wanted to break up, but I haven’t agreed yet. You are still living with me, and we are still in a relationship.”

Sherlyn instantly felt disheartened. She was embarrassed and annoyed by his rubbing, but her back was pressed tightly by him, unable to move no matter what.

Russell rubbed her butt and asked softly, “Sherlyn, what’s wrong with you? What have I been doing recently that made you want to break up with me?”

Sherlyn’s eyes became increasingly red, and she gradually felt wronged.

Sherlyn said, “You want me to go back to the Felton family several times because only in this way can you marry me and not be laughed at by anyone. Russell, do you love me more or do you love the identity of the daughter of the Felton family?”

Russell was slightly stunned.

So that was what Sherlyn worried about.

Previously, Russell had said many times that he hoped that Sherlyn would be recognized as a member of the Felton family as soon as possible. Because of this, they had quarreled several times before.

Perhaps, Sherlyn misunderstood him.

He seriously thought about it and asked in a low voice, “Sherlyn, why do you hate the Felton family so much? They are your family.”

Sherlyn laughed at herself, “Is a cage without love considered home? Are siblings without love really my family? In my eyes, Viola is much more important than them.”

Some people, even if they weren’t related by blood, were better than family members.

But some people, even if they were family members, were colder than passers–by.

“I don’t want to go back to the Felton family at all. I’m not happy when I’m at the Felton’s house.”

Jennifer had never welcomed her. Jennifer wished that Sherlyn would never return.

Ronian, who seemed to care about her the most, was the most cold–hearted among everyone. He treated his family like subordinates and gave them all kinds of orders.

The secret of the top floor of the Felton’s house was much scarier.

In her eyes, that was a gloomy and horrible place.

Sherlyn came back to her senses and asked Russell, “I don’t want to return to the Felton family, and I don’t want to announce my identity. So we can’t get married?”

Russell sighed heavily, “Sherlyn, I don’t care if you are an orphan or the daughter of the Felton family. As long as you want to get married, I can do it anytime. Even if I am laughed at by rich families, it doesn’t matter to me.”

He helped her up, held her butt, and made her sit on his lap.

He cupped her face with both hands and said seriously, “The reason why I kept persuading you to return to the Felton family is that I hope you can try to jump out of the comfort circle and accept your family.

“I know that although you seem to forget it, you still remember the Felton family in your heart. You have never experienced family love since you were a child. You are very happy to know that you are a member of the Felton family.

“But a few days after going to the Felton’s house, you find a gap between it and the family in your heart. You feel that you cannot integrate into that family, so you have been avoiding it.

“Sherlyn, I hope you can take these things seriously and be really happy. I will help you persuade the Felton family.”

Sherlyn lowered her eyes, deep in thought for a long time, not saying a word.

Russell gently pressed down on the back of her head. He leaned forward to kiss her.


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