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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 435

Chapter 435 Reward After the Punishment

Viola was annoyed. She knocked on the edge of the bed and said, “I’ll let you explain after the punishment.”

Ormand was lost for words.

He felt short of breath. He pursed his lips and looked at Viola with bitterness.

Viola knocked on the edge of the bed with the ruler and reminded Ormand with a cold face, “Have you forgotten the fifty rules in ‘Code of a Real Gentleman‘ that Bentley gave you earlier?”

Ormand was completely lost for words. After struggling for a long time, he gave Viola his left palm.

Viola shook her head, not satisfied. “Both hands.”

“Viola, I have to sign contracts tomorrow.” If his right hand was hurt, he wouldn’t be able to write properly.

Viola remained expressionless and was not taking a step back, as if to tell Ormand that this was not negotiable.

Ormand was hurt by the look in Viola’s eyes. He was upset and gave her his right palm.


The ruler hit Ormand’s palms three times.

Ormand’s big palms swelled up instantly where the ruler had hit.

It was so painful that Ormand grimaced. His fingertips trembled, and he held his breath. He felt deeply hurt.

Viola stared at him and asked, her eyes red, “After the babies were born, you didn’t care much about them. Ormand, is it because you don’t like me or because you don’t like the kids that I took pains to give you?”

Ormand suddenly raised his head. He was shocked by Viola’s thoughts. “Where did you get that kind of thought? It’s exactly because I’ve seen with my own eyes how much pain you’ve taken over the past ten months! It made my heart ache for you. So I never go against you.”

Ormand bit his lower lip, feeling extremely sad, and complained in a low voice.

“Viola, I can say the same thing. Since the arrival of the babies, you care about me so much less than before. In your heart, I’m less important than the children. This time, you blame me for this and punish me. You don’t care about my feelings anymore.”

Viola stared at him in shock. She was so angry that she even laughed.

“Are you jealous of our children? How old are they? They are only one month old. They can’t take care of themselves at all and need our love and care. What are the children to you? Your enemies?”

Ormand lowered his eyes and fell silent.

Viola hit his palms three more times with the ruler with the same amount of force. Ormand must learn his lesson.

Ormand hissed.

He frowned. This was the first time he got hit on the palms on the washboard.

His knees hurt, his hands hurt, and his heart hurt even more. Ormand had nowhere to vent his grievances, which almost suffocated him.

“Viola, in my heart, nothing is more important than you. You are my priority. But in your heart, the children are more important than me.

“Call me unreasonable and selfish. I don’t mind.”

He didn’t mind it. But it didn’t mean he would change.

Viola sighed and softened her tone. “Ormand, you don’t understand how hard pregnancy is on a mother. If it wasn’t because I love you and care about you, I wouldn’t be willing to give you kids. I love and care so much about the kids because they are mine and also yours.

“Shitty things happen to rich and powerful families all the time. There are many rich kids that got kidnapped or stolen by their families‘ rivals when they were little. It gives me great fear. Moreover, the Miah thing Miah taught me I can never be too careful. It’s not that you are no longer important to me.”

Ormand sighed and asked in a low voice, “Viola, you are always worried that someone is coming to steal our children. Is it some kind of postpartum anxiety?”

Viola’s face sank. She raised the ruler and hit Ormand three more times.

But this time, she only hit his left palm.

Viola answered his question seriously, “Maybe. But if you make me angry when you know there is such a thing as postpartum anxiety, you deserve more punishment!”


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