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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 461

Chapter 461 Let's Have a Quarrel

Thinking of this, Jennifer pouted unhappily. "I heard from Ronian that she is sick. I don’t know what kind of illness it is, but it is probably quite serious. He's afraid of disturbing her rest, so he forbids any outsiders to visit, and we can't even make much noise at home."

"What kind of serious illness is it that has to restrict access to the entire villa?" Viola furrowed her brows and continued to ask tentatively, "Have you gone up to see her condition?"

Jennifer shook her head. "Why would I do that?"

Viola held Jennifer's hand and said, "She's only been staying in the Felton's house for a few days, and she gets sick. Ronian even paid so much attention to her illness. Aren't you curious about how sick she is? Don't you want to see her at all?"

Jennifer pondered for a moment.

To be honest, Jennifer was curious.

It had only been a few days, but it became so serious that Ronian needed to give orders to everyone in the family. Could it be that it was a rare illness?

However, Jennifer didn't dare to find it out.

When Jennifer thought of Ronian's angry face, she shrank her shoulders and shook her head.

"I don't want to see her. If Ronian finds out, he will kill me. I'd better be obedient."

Viola had no choice but to return empty-handed.

When Viola returned to Viorin, she called Russell over again.

"Is Sherlyn very sick?"

Russell suddenly stood up, his eyes full of anger. "What exactly did Ronian do to her? She seldom falls sick. Not long ago, because of a film, I accompanied her to the hospital for a full body check. It's impossible for her to suddenly have a serious illness!"

Viola patted him on the shoulder comfortingly and let him sit down again.

"Russell, don't worry. I don't believe it either."

Ormand sat quietly by the side, helping to analyze this matter.

"Sherlyn's notices have all been stopped by Ronian. If she does not have any serious illness, then it is very likely that he imprisoned her."

Viola listened carefully and nodded. "I've analyzed it over and over again afterward. Sherlyn didn't seem right. She was very healthy when Ronian took her to the business party."

Russell stood up again. "Ronian is a bastard. He even tortures his own sister. There is no need to care about the connections between the two families. Let's carry out the most extreme plan we came up with yesterday!"

Viola and Ormand nodded. Viola said, "Russell, let's do it. You go deal with James and find Bobby. I think he has a way to make James compromise.

As for Sherlyn, Ormand and I will handle it."


Russell agreed and quickly left to execute the plan.

Only Viola and Ormand were left in the living room. Neither of them spoke. They fell into deep thought.

After an unknown period of time, Ormand said, "Viola, what kind of excuse do you think is suitable for Todd to enter their house and carry out a search?"

Viola thought about it seriously, "Why don't we make use of Jennifer? We can work separately. I'll hold a socialite tea party two days later and secretly give the precious jewelry to Jennifer. After that, I'll use the excuse that the precious jewelry was stolen and let Todd search for it. What do you think?"

Ormand pursed his lips into a smile. His fingers hooked the tip of her nose. "Honey, you're so smart. Of course, it's a good idea."

Viola also smiled.

Viola remembered that a long time ago when the virus in Ormand's body had not been completely cleared, she was forced to deal with Jerry.

At that time, the bond between Russell and Sherlyn was growing, which made Viola envious of such a sweet love.

However, unexpectedly, things turned upside down. Their bond was in danger, while Viola and Ormand were leading a happy life.


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