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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 465

Chapter 465 I Want to Sleep With You

"Well... Don't get me wrong. It is my mother who forced me to take care of you. I took off your clothes to help you clean your body. I don't have any thoughts about you at all."

Breenda nodded with a serious expression.

Bentley had not sobered up yet. Breenda's words had given him a blow. "So, it's me who has no charm. Even though you took off my clothes, you still have no interest in me."

Breenda was speechless.

She thought, what does he mean? Does he hope that I can do something to him?

However, if I take advantage of him while he is drunk and try to seduce him, aren't I a hooligan?

Breenda stared at Bentley. She wanted to explain to him seriously, but she saw that his handsome face was flushed. His cold eyes were filled with melancholy as if he had been bullied.

Breenda thought, he is a little cute with such an expression.

She was in a daze when Bentley grabbed her wrist again.

Then he said in a pitiful tone, "Breenda, I hurt you deeply before, so you don't like me at all. Now even though you see my body, you still don't have any thoughts."

Breenda was speechless.

Bentley had been learning the skills of saying sweet things recently. Russell also taught him that if there was no way, use beauty to seduce the other party.

But Bentley felt that he could not do this kind of thing if he was completely awake.

But this time, he made a bold move with the help of alcohol.

He grabbed Breenda's wrist and subconsciously placed her hand on his chest.

He made her palm close to his hot skin from drunkenness'.

Bentley stared at Breenda. "My body has been seen by you, and you even touched it. You have to be responsible for me."

Breenda was speechless.

The corners of Breenda's mouth twitched. It was the first time she had seen a man who was playing around in such an open and aboveboard way.

Moreover, this man was Bentley, who had always been proud and self­confident.

"Bentley, did you drink the wine into your brain, and now your brain is damaged?"

Bentley ignored her, grabbed her hand, put it on his abdominal muscles, and even pinched her fingers, making her forced to pinch his muscles.

Breenda felt comfortable when touching Bentley's strong abdominal muscles. She blushed and wanted to withdraw her hand, but it was held tightly by Bentley.

Breenda was helpless. "Are you alright? There must be something special that was added to the wine. Otherwise, how dare you act like a hooligan?"

Bentley's eyes were misty, and there was some moisture in them. "You are the one who touched me. You are the one who acted like a hooligan.

Moreover, you don't want to take responsibility."

Breenda was shocked.

She thought, I don't expect that Bentley would be like this when he is drunk.

When he sobers up and knows that he did such shameless things after he was drunk, will he be embarrassed?

In the face of such unscrupulous behavior, Breenda was a little annoyed and gritted her teeth. "It looks like you won't be able to remember what you did when you wake up. Then, don't blame me!"

Then Breenda bestride on Bentley's body and said, "Bentley, I'll be your woman tonight!"

She stroked his chest muscles and abdominal muscles hard until Bentley's skin turned red. Even so, she still did not let him go.

"I am taking advantage of you now!"

Bentley was already drunk, and after being randomly pinched by her, he suddenly had sexual desire.

He quickly grabbed her wrist.

While Breenda was not on guard, Bentley quickly pressed her under him.


Bentley propped himself on top of her and covered her mouth.

He struggled to raise his heavy head and gently pressed his forehead against her forehead, the tip of his nose facing the tip of her nose.

Their breath intertwined.


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