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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 470

Chapter 470 The Clanking of Chains

The corridor was dark. With the small flashlight, they could vaguely see the closed doors.

As Todd led Viola forward, Dewey followed behind.

The first door was opened and this room turned out to be a study.

The lights in the study could be turned on.

Todd waved to the two soldiers who were still waiting outside the iron door in the corridor. They immediately ran over and pretended to look for stolen crystal earrings in the study.

He led Viola and continued to open the door to another room.

Dewey took a deep breath nervously and continued following.

Another door opened. It was an empty bedroom with carved wooden furniture. The decoration was simple but exquisite. It was clean.

Dewey explained, "This used to be Mr. Felton's room. Ever since Mr. Felton passed away, Mrs. Felton often said that she would see Mr. Felton in this room and could not sleep at night. Afterward, this room has been left aside. Mr. Ronian has the room cleaned every day."

Todd nodded and the two soldiers who pretended to finish checking the study entered this bedroom to rummage around carefully.

Having got out of the bedroom, Todd fixed his eyes on the room across the corridor.

Vaguely, there was the sound of chain clanking.

Todd turned around and glanced at Viola only to meet Viola's eyes.

Both their gazes were very serious.

Todd had a bad feeling.

Todd was about to walk over and turn the doorknob when Dewey suddenly blocked the door in front of him.

"This room is Mrs. Felton's current bedroom. Now, she is already asleep. If you wake her up, she will be unhappy. You absolutely cannot enter this room!"

The more strongly he reacted, the more it showed that there were some hidden secrets in this room.

Viola said, “I've been playing in the Felton's home since I was a child. Mrs. Falcon likes me very much. This time, I lost my beloved crystal earrings. I believe she will understand."

Todd was about to go past Dewey and forcefully open the door.

"No, you really can't enter this room! If Mr. Ronian knows about this, he'll fly into a rage!"

"You really can't! You can't!"

He gripped the door frame tightly and blocked the door, his breathing rapid from nervousness.

Perhaps because the noise outside was very loud, the sound of chains dragging on the ground came from inside again.

The two parties were in a deadlock for a few minutes.

As it was getting late, Todd could only apologize, "Dewey, I'm sorry!"

He pushed her away hard and Dewey staggered a few steps to the side. Thankfully, a soldier who had finished checking another room held his arm in time, so Dewey did not fall.

Todd took two steps forward. No sooner had he grabbed the doorknob than a man's growl came from the stairwell.

"Stop it!"

The voice...

Todd and Viola looked out of the iron gate at the same time, Ronian ran upstairs, panting with a furious face.

Several bodyguards behind him held lights in their hands and followed him into the corridor.


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