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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 500

Chapter 500 All Locked Up

Ronian stared at the warrant, and his face quickly turned cold.

"Where's the evidence?"

Todd was fully prepared and handed over the well-organized evidence.

Ronian took it and flipped through it seriously.

Soon, he regained his composure.

"Mr. Hobson, on this evidence, the one who accuses me of using the forbidden drug is Jerry. The person who claimed to see me imprison my mother is Jerry. The person who accuses me of poisoning you is also Jerry. Even the poison and the unknown drug handed to you were given by Jerry.

"He has been out of the country illegally this year. He may have brought some dirty things from the outside. If the one who

deliberately murdered my mother was really him, then his

confessions cannot be used as evidence. It is very likely that he plotted everything."

"So, Mr. Hobson, shouldn't we investigate Jerry first?" Ronian asked, his eyes red.

Ormand was expressionless. "Of course, he will be investigated. But before Jerry is convicted, the National Bureau of Investigation does not side with any confession. Even the deputy director will be treated equally if he committed a crime," he said.

"Take the suspect away," Ormand said, glancing at Todd. "Yes." Todd took out the handcuffs and walked towards Ronian.

Ronian's eyes were cold and he did not move. Dewey immediately called out all the bodyguards and stood in front of Ronian to protect him, blocking Todd's way.

Todd said, "Ronian, what are you doing? Resisting arrest and obstructing official duties is a crime. As a deputy director, shouldn't you set an example?"

Ronian did not speak. Dewey stepped forward and explained, "Mr. Hobson, Todd, my master has just lost his mother. Can you give him some time to deal with the funeral before investigating him?"

Ormand was impartial.

"The cause of Mrs. Felton's death is unknown. What's the hurry? The first thing to do now is to find out the truth about Mrs. Felton's death as soon as possible and give the Felton family an explanation."

His tone was unquestionable.

Ormand waved his hand. Todd immediately said to the miniature walkie-talkie under the button of his military uniform, "Mr. Felton won't leave. Come over and send Mr. Felton to the interrogation room."

Two minutes after that, Nolan and Taven arrived at the Felton family's old house with two teams of soldiers.

The two groups of people were full of momentum when they ran over, and even the ground trembled.

The bodyguards surrounding Ronian seemed particularly weak. "Mr. Felton, are you sure you want to refuse the investigation? With Mr. Hobson's temper, once he gets angry, he will tie you up and you will lose face by then."

Ronian's handsome face was dark, and his hands hidden under his sleeves were so tightly clenched that the veins were bulging.

After a short moment, he asked the bodyguards on both sides to make way for him. He took two steps forward and placed his hands in front of Todd.

He spoke to Ormand, "Mr. Hobson, please find out the truth as soon as possible and let my mother rest in peace."

"Of course," Ormand said coldly.

He walked forward, took the electronic handcuffs from Todd, and personally put them on Ronian, showing how much he valued him as a Deputy Director.

"Take him away."

With a cold and dignified command, Ronian was pressed onto the armored vehicle by Todd and Nolan.

"Yes sir..."

Dewey looked at the migratory situation and called out worriedly. He immediately returned to the villa and gathered the servants and bodyguards of the entire villa to the empty space in the backyard.

"Mr. Felton is now being investigated, but he is the deputy director. He will be back in a few days at most. During this period, you have to know how to answer if the National Bureau of Investigation asks. If you say something you shouldn't say, when Mr. Felton comes

back, even the deities can't save you, understand?"

The servants and bodyguards all nodded in fear.

Ronian was sent to the interrogation room separated from Jerry by

two rooms and locked up.

After sending him in, Ormand and Todd went to visit Jerry.

The heavy door opened, and Jerry was sitting cross-legged on the

warm bed, rolling up his sleeves and applying medication to the

wound on his arm.

His strong and powerful arms were covered with half-scabs of bloody scars and some old scars.


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