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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 502

Chapter 502 You Should Be Punished

“I understand.Ormand, don’t worry.”

After the two of them returned to the Hobson’s place, they separated in a winding alley.

Todd went back to his villa.He figured that Leia had probably fixed something and was waiting for him to come back.

Ormand returned to Viorin.He was already used to cooking and waiting for Viola before she came back.

Viola was busy with the McGraw Group and was helping Russell to take care of Sherlyn.

Knowing the drug Sherlyn took made it easier for the lab to treat her.

Yet it was a neurological disease after all, so a longer treatment cycle was required.

Half an hour later, Viola came back.

Ormand checked the time, and he just happened to serve the last dish.

The two ate their dinner in harmony and affection.

Before going to bed, Ormand went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Viola saw the shirt he had carelessly left at the corner of the bed and went over to pick it up.She was planning on putting it into the laundry basket.

However, the moment she picked it up, she smelt something unusual.It was the smell of cigarettes.

She never smoked, and for the sake of the babies, she ordered Ormand to do the same.

Therefore, she was very sensitive to the smell of cigarettes.

Did Ormand smoke behind her back today? The sound of water in the bathroom vanished.

Ormand had a white bath towel tied around his waist.

He raised his strong and good-looking arms and wiped the water off his head as he walked out.

The bedroom at some point became a grim place.He was puzzled.He turned around and saw Viola sitting by the bed with a sullen face, holding the shirt that he had just taken off.

It seemed that she was not to be trifled with and was holding back her anger.


He whispered tentatively.

Viola picked up his shirt with two slender fingers and asked ina deep voice, “Explain.”


Ormand didn’t understand.

“Still acting? Still lying to me?”

She turned and went to get the ruler on the bedside table.

It had been a long time since she had used it, and when she weighed it, it actually felt a bit heavy.

Ormand’s breath paused for a second.

She wanted to punish him? What did he do wrong? He didn’t have time to think.

He threw the towel on the table with which he had wiped his hair, strode over, unfastened the bath towel that was tied too tightly, and sat down naked on his knees on the bed.

Cold air enveloped him.

He was a little shy and covered himself with the towel.He was nothing but obedient.

“Viola, I’ve been behaving myself all day.I didn’t do anything wrong, let alone lie.Take it easy.Don’t wrong me.”

Viola also sat on the bed and sat cross-legged in front of him.She pointed at his arm and signaled him to reach out.

“l can smell just fine.I didn’t wrong you.If you can’t remember, then let the pain awaken your memory.”

Ormand thought about what she meant and slowly reached out.

Viola’s eyes were filled with anger as she raised her right hand holding the ruler high.

“I remember.Did you smell smoke on my shirt?”

Ormand quickly retracted his hand before her hand fell.

Viola smiled coldly, “I guess you’re not stupid.At least you know you should be afraid.You react quickly.”

Ormand frowned, feeling aggrieved.

He said, “Viola, I was in a bad mood since I had been investigating the case all day.I lit a cigarette out of habit, but I didn’t smoke at all.I gave it to Todd and asked him to go to the corner to smoke.Maybe the smell got to me because I was in the same room as him.

“Viola, believe me.I’m not lying.”

Viola’s face was still stern.She keenly caught the loophole in his words.

“So, you lit it voluntarily.You had the last moment of conscience, and you gave it to Todd because you were afraid that I would find out.Right?”

Ormand was wordless.He thought, is this how women think things? He frowned even more tightly and felt even more aggrieved.He reached out both his hands in a fit of pique.

“Yes.Viola, if you think I’m wrong, punish me severely.You should cripple my hand.I can no longer hold pens then.That way, everyone in the National Bureau of Investigation will know that I’m punished tomorrow.”


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